Uncompress MaskNonMaskDataset.zip and use the updated jupyter notebook (ResNet_image_classification.ipynb)
jupyter notebook will train the model, write it as h5 file and then convert it to tflite file too
Use better dataset for enhanced evaluation accuracy.
Number of classes: 20 (Classes 0-19)
Classes = owl | galaxy | lightning | wine-bottle | t-shirt | waterfall | sword | school-bus |
calculator | sheet-music | airplanes | lightbulb | skyscraper | mountain-bike | fireworks |
computer-monitor | bear | grand-piano | kangaroo | laptop ]
Dataset Structure
Two folders:
Training: 1554 images
Test: 500 images
Images per class:
school-bus : 73
laptop : 100
t-shirt : 100
grand-piano : 70
waterfall : 70
galaxy : 56
mountain-bike : 57
sword : 77
wine-bottle : 76
owl : 95
fireworks : 75
calculator : 75
sheet-music : 59
lightbulb : 67
bear : 77
computer-monitor : 100
airplanes : 100
skyscraper : 70
lightning : 100
kangaroo : 57
The accuracy of the training reached 99.5% in 50 epoch.
The accuracy of the test reached 95% that i submitted to kaggle.
labels = train_gen.class_indices
labels = dict((v,k) for k,v in labels.items())
predictions = [k for k in predicted_class_indices]
for i in filenames:
f = i[5:]