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Releases: DingoDjango/HandMeThatBrick

Updated both Chinese translations

26 Nov 10:09
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Further updates to Chinese Simplified and Traditional translations.

Updated ChineseSimplified strings

25 Nov 11:52
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Updated strings by mm615657

Further Job assignment change

24 Nov 04:11
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Haulers will now once again cut plants that are interfering with blueprint placement, but only if they're assigned to Plant Cutting. Otherwise, they will simply leave that blueprint untouched.

Job assignment fix

22 Nov 02:51
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Added mod-controlled job distribution instead of relying on vanilla RimWorld. This means that:

  • Haulers won't try to cut plants or deconstruct things to haul. They'll only haul if the area is clear or if there's an item they can put aside.

  • Haulers won't care about the skill level required to actually construct whatever they're hauling.

Null reference exception fix

21 Nov 03:04
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Changed the code to prevent a null reference exception reported by users.

Beta 18 Release

18 Nov 22:25
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  • Changed to HugsLib dependency (install HugsLib and load it before this mod).

  • XML has been updated to A18 structure.

  • Added opportunistic hauling to mod options: you can choose how far haulers should look for blueprints and frames when they're deciding on a new job to do (based on their current location). Options are:

  • Unrestricted (search the whole map).
  • Close (within 15 tiles).
  • Medium (within 45 tiles).
  • Long (within 100 tiles).
    Exact values are subject to change according to user feedback.
  • Updated strings (will require new translations, otherwise they will display in English).

Hotfix recompile

03 Jun 21:36
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Recompiled assembly to make sure it works with the latest A17 hotfix.

Japanese translation

02 Jun 00:05
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Added JP translation by Proxyer.

No other changes.

Minor performance refactor

01 Jun 20:23
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Added bool ShouldSkip to workgivers instead of nesting the EnableHMTB
bool in HasJobOnThing.

This might affect peformance for lower end PCs as it breaks the
workgiver check earlier in the sequence as far as I know.

Assembly version 2.1.17

German Translation

26 May 15:12
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  • Added German language file from Steam user Lauri7x3