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Patch History

Dirkster99 edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 4 revisions

The patch history shown here contains a history of previously released versions and their patches that are still available in the commit history of this project. The information listed here is no longer relevant for this project but is kept on record just in case someone needs it.

Patch History for AvalonDock Version 3.5

Fixes in Version 3.5.13

  1. #75 74 The old NullReferenceException comes back (thanx to ppalazkov and scorixear)

  2. #72 Better experience draging documents arround (thanx to jogibear9988)

  3. #80 AvalonDock: LayoutItemTemplate not applied to Anchorable

Fixes in Version 3.5.12

  1. #61 Repeatedly pressing Ctrl-Tab gets stuck at the bottom of the list of LayoutItems (thanx to Darren Gosbell)

  2. #65 Support NetCore 3 based on Preview 8 (thanx to Jochen Kühner)

Fixes in Version 3.5.11

  1. #58 The minimum sizes of LayoutAnchorablePane children is based on DockMinSizes (DockMinWidth, DockMinHeight) (thanx to scdmitryvodich)

  2. #60 Fix visibility bindings of undocked panels in specific cases (thanx to scdmitryvodich)

Fixes in Version 3.5.10

  1. Made calculating of DockMinSize for panel based on children DockMinSize (thanx to scdmitryvodich)

  2. Fixing Issue 53 Can hide LayoutAnchorable using Alt+F4 when CanHide is false

    • Including:
      • Fix 2 in #53 NullReferenceException
      • Fix 3 in #53 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
  3. Fixing Issue #38 and #47

Fixes in Version 3.5.9

  1. Small breaking change in Dirkster.AvalonDock.Themes.VS2013, Renamed DockingButtonForegroundArrowBrusKey to DockingButtonForegroundArrowBrushKey (thanx to VNNCC)

  2. Fix on FloatingWindow visibility when loading/unloading DockingManager control (thanx to scdmitryvodich)

Fixes in Version 3.5.8

  1. Added ca-es localization. Updated es localization. (thanx to xnaval)

  2. Fix Visibility issue on closing LayoutFloatingWindowControl (thanx to scdmitryvodich)

  3. Adding support for Japanes, Korean, and Polish

  4. #42 Fix Dispatcher Suspend Exception issue (thanx to vkotenev-sc, scdmitryvodich)

    #46 Check if we are not on the UI thread before doing Dispatcher.Invoke (thanx to dgosbell, vkotenev-sc)

Fixes in Version 3.5.7

  1. Fix Visibility issues in LayoutFloatingWindowControl (thanx to scdmitryvodich)

  2. Fixed sizing behavior of anchorable panels (thanx to scdmitryvodich)

Fixes in Version 3.5.6

  1. Check in LayoutAnchorable Hide method to avoid null reference exception (thanx to gpetrou)

  2. Check if current application is not null in FocusElementManager (thanx to gpetrou)

  3. Issue solved: Use localized resource instead of constant string in VS 2013 Theme (thanx to RohanTPillai)

Fixes in Version 3.5.5

  1. Improved 2nd Monitor display with maximized Layoutanchorable (toolwindow) and mutliple docked toolwindows inside (thanks to mbullock976 for testing Issues #27)

  2. Bug fix on crash with FloatingLayoutanchorable (floating toolwindow) for Issues #28

Fixes in Version 3.5.4

  1. BugFix Hidden anchorable cannot be shown again (Issue #19)

  2. CanDockAsTabbedDocument (Added drag & drop support of LayoutAnchorable) (Issue #18)

  3. Improved support for LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindow (floating tool window) on 2nd screen (Issue #20)

    • Added Reload of floating LayoutAnchable when maximized on 2nd screen
    • Added repositioning of floating LayoutAnchable when:
      • 2nd Monitor is not available or
      • changed resolution puts floating LayoutAnchable out of bounds
    • (thanx to madenaras)
    • @Dirkster99
  4. Added zh-Hant localization (thanx to nuthrash

Fixed Crash on IsSelected Document Property

Fixed Issue about PanesTemplateSelector being ignored

Increased to Version 3.5.1

Fixed Close Button Position in Generic Theme

DockingManager: ModelChange event happens before new LayoutDocumentItem is added

Added resource file for AvalonDock for nl-BE

Fixed Crash while loading FLOATING DOCUMENT

Fixed Crash while loading (Deserialize) a layout with FLOATING DOCUMENT window.

NullReferenceException in LayoutDocumentFloatingWindowControl.OnInitialized: Initialization in 2nd constructor was missing: _model = model; UpdateThemeResources();

Removed unused private field in LayoutAutoHideWindowControl

Prevent crash from setting negative size

Fix for issue #1379 as suggested by RecursiveNerd

Update zh-Hans translation #1383

AvalonDock czech localization #1396

AvalonDock fixed misspelling when serializing DockMinWidth/DockMinHeight

Clear Bindings #1360

Theming ContextMenuEx in Metro

Re-styling this in AvalonDock since the menu on the drop-down button for more documents is otherwise black

Drag and Drop on (scaled) 4K display

Drag and Drop of Document or ToolWindow content does not always work on (scaled) 4K display

Crash Loading (Deserialized) Floating Tool Window Layout

Fixed Crash while loading (Deserialize) a layout from FLOATING tool window. NullReferenceException in LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindowControl.OnInitialized

LayoutRoot doesn't notify change for Children or ChildrenCount #1313

Fixed height of titles of floating windows #1203

Initial AvalonDock Version 3.5

Please review the Patch History page for more information on patches for previously released versions of AvalonDock.

Patch History for AvalonDock Version 3.4

Reapplied or New Fixes

Fixed height of titles of floating windows #1203

  • Turn Height into MinHeight ->
  • Fix on UseLayoutRounding="True" -> Commit

System.InvalidOperationException when window docking #1311 Check before Close in InternalClose #1310 Commit

LayoutRoot doesn't notify change for Children or ChildrenCount #1313 Commit

Patch History for AvalonDock Version 3.3

  • (FIXED in 3.4) AvalonDock Bug after reloading layout ->

  • (FIXED in 3.4) Save Tool Window to Bottom and Reload does not work ->

Patch History for AvalonDock Version 3.2

  • Fixing an old styling issue on the Document Context Menu which appears with white background when styling for dark ->

  • Applied fix to LayoutAnchorable drawn behind LayoutDocument since v3.1 ->

  • Fixed Close Button Position in Generic Theme ->

  • Turned Height in MinHeight ->

  • Added fix on UseLayoutRounding="True" ->

  • Correct Build Configs for Any CPU, x86, x64 ->

  • Fixed DocManager.Layout Properties null after Layout load: LeftSide, TopSide, BottomSide, RightSide null bug after loading layout ->

Initial Commit

in this repository was taken from the last Edi build: 131594 from CodePlex

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Layout Models


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