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WPF VS 2013 Dark Light Demo Client

Dirkster99 edited this page Feb 14, 2019 · 11 revisions

All screenshots below are from the MLibTest WPF client based on:

on Windows 10.

The demo program shows how you can change your accent color on Windows 10 and how AvalonDock will follow that color. There is no Accent Color setting on Windows 7, which is why the demo application only supports a blue accent color on Windows 7. Any application can of course use a color picker to enable an application specific definition of an accent color (on any operating system), but this is currently not in the scope of the demo application.

Similar results are possible with other theming libraries (e.g.: MahApps.Metro or MUI) since the implementation follow these guidelines.

The Docking Buttons are defined in XAML, which ensures a good looking image on all resolutions, even 4K or 8K, and enables us to color theme consistently with the Window 10 Accent Color.

Description Dark Light
Dock Document
Dock Document
Dock Tool Window
Tool Window

Change Accent Color

Click the OK button to change the Accent Color of the demo application at run-time.

Demo Projects


Layout Models


Class Designs


Manual Tests

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