Nikhil Kumar(2095904)
- Base Plan
Discuss and create base plan for project based on given definition
- Create App UI design in Figma (
- UI Screens
App Landing Screen
SignUp Screen
AdminProductList Screen
Admin Product edit Screen
- Functionality
UI Design and integrate firebase for add product from Admin
Delete product from firestore
Edit product and update realtime details
List from firebase for current placed orders and previous completed orders
Search product in productlist in admin user
Dishant Desai(2094440)
- Base Plan
Discuss and create base plan for project based on given definition
- UI Screens
Login Screen
Home Screen(With Header,Search,Category and favorites)
ProductList Screen
Product Detail Screen (With Dynamic data passsing from parent component,Rating)
- Functionality
Routes setup
Authentication Routes
Signin with firebase email/password
Signin with google and facebook
Signup with facebook
Redux store setup and persistant data
Search functionality in productList page
profile page issue fix for google user
- Make reusable components for project such as Header,ProductItem,CategoryItem,CartItem etc.
Navdeep kaur(2092868)
- Base Plan
Discuss and create base plan for project based on given definition
- UML Diagrams
Designed Uml Activity Diagram, Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram.
- Functionality
Cart Page- Where customer can add new products for placing order. Customer can add products from all categories including weekly offers. Price of each item is added in cart and recalculate the price every time and update the price list for the customer order.
Weekly Deals Page- In this area, weekly offers are made available on product list. Where customer get discount on the original price. Every week this list is updated.
Email Confirmation: Here, email confirmation has done. When customer has placed order, he will get confirmation email from “Fresh Grocer” about placing order successfully.
Timer Screen: After placing successful order, there will be timer screen shown about the time when your order will be delivered.
Splash Screen- I have designed splash screen, which you can see when app is started.
Prabhjeet kaur(2093731)
- Base Plan
Discuss and create base plan for project based on given definition
- UML Diagrams
Designed Uml Use case diagram and user stories.
- Functionality
Add payment method for place order screen (Integrate the stripe payment gateway in app)
Add and remove product from favorite items
User profile (Fetch logged in user detail)
Filter the product list using category and subcategory