A customizable linking mod between Discord and Minecraft, designed for use in The District of Joban.
Note: This project is now in maintenance mode
A server that I previously manages has been upgraded to 1.17.1.
Unfortunately, I can't find a decent Discord Chat Linking Bot that suits my need and runs on Fabric 1.17.1. (Which by now is fairly outdated, but hey stubborn players exists)
Chatter is what I used to use before upgrading, but it's stuck on 1.16.5.
While a newer rewritten mod by the same author, Minecord is only available for 1.19.
I don't have enough understanding of the codebase to port either of the mod to 1.17, so I have to make another Discord linking mod just for a server I manages.
Eventually I tried making it a more proper project, (hopefully) implement bridging to services outside of only Discord. (2023-12-15: And gave up)
- Config hot-reloadable
- Support bot activities
- Support custom guild emoji (Minecraft to Discord)
- Allow silencing relays from/to Minecraft
- Fully customizable embed based on Discord's specification
- Server starting / started / stopping / stopped
- Server crash
- Player join
- Player leave
- Player send chat messages (Including commands)
- Player entering another dimension
- Player death
- Player achieve Advancement
- Message Send/Reply
- Message Edit
- Message Delete
- Message Reaction Add/Remove
- Bridge to services other than Discord, Revolt would be a good first step.
- Relay more Discord events
- Add bridged commands
- Touch some grass
This project is not yet considered finish nor stable, expect alpha quality!
For downloading the latest build, please click here.
You're welcome to open an issue if you believe you've found a bug, however note that the config file format may change overtime without any documentation, please only use it if you can understand my semi-spegetti code :)
For easier development, all version-specific code is stored in src/main/mappings
The files will then be copied over to src/main/java/com/lx862/dclink
To change the Minecraft version for development, edit default_mc_version in gradle.properties
(Or if you simply want to build, ./gradlew build -PbuildVersion=<Minecraft Version Here>
This project is licensed under the MIT License