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Releases: DivanDesign/EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddTools

Version 0.64.1

03 Dec 23:22
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  • * \DDTools\Storage\DB\Storage: Column names are quoted in all queries to avoid of errors when their names are equal to some reserved keywords, e. g. repeat.

Version 0.64

06 Sep 01:06
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  • + \DDTools\Tools\Objects::extend → Parameters → $params->extendableProperties: The new optional parameter. Allows to use for extending not all properties from additional objects or arrays (see README → Examples).
  • + \DDTools\Storage\Storageitems_update, items_updateOne, items_delete, items_deleteOne, items_get, items_getOne → Parameters:
    • + $params->where → Valid values → null: The new supported value. It is equal to ''.
    • + $params->where->{$propName}:
      • + You can also specify multiple value variants through an array.
      • + You don't have to worry about passing empty arrays, they will just be ignored.
  • + \DDTools\Tools\Cache:
    • + There are now 2 levels of caching: stable (file-based) and quick ($_SESSION-based). All methods now utilize both levels automatically.
    • + getSeveral: The new public static method. Retrieves data of several items from cache storage (see README).
    • + saveSeveral: The new public static method. Saves data of several items to cache storage (see README).
    • + save, saveSeveral, get, getSeveral, delete → Parameters → $params->resourceId → Valid values → string: The new supported value. You can use a custom string as the resource ID, not only an integer ID.
    • + getSeveral, delete → Parameters → $params->resourceId → Valid values → array: The new supported value. You can specify multiple IDs.
    • + delete → Parameters → $params->resourceId → Valid values → '*': The new supported value.
    • + save → Parameters → $params->isExtendEnabled: The new optional parameter. Allows to extend existing data (see README).

Version 0.63

02 Aug 14:25
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  • + \DDTools\Tools\Cache: The new class. Allows you to cache some data (e. g. a snippet result) to a file in the assets/cache/ddCache folder (see README).
  • * \DDTools\Tools\Objects: The class has been renamed from \DDTools\ObjectTools (with backward compatibility).
  • * \DDTools\Tools\Files: The class has been renamed from \DDTools\FilesTools (with backward compatibility).

Version 0.62.1

17 Jun 16:21
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  • * \ddTools::parseText → Parameters → $params->isCompletelyParsingEnabled: Broken support for deprecated name $params->mergeAll has been fixed.

Version 0.62

15 Jun 08:09
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  • + \ddTools::isEmpty: The new public static method. Determines whether a variable is empty.
  • * \ddTools::parseText → Parameters:
    • + $params->data: Both objects and arrays are supported regardless of nesting level.
    • + $params->data->{$key} → Valid values → boolean: The new supported value. It will be converted to '1' or '0' respectively.
    • * $params->isCompletelyParsingEnabled:
      • * Has been renamed from $params->mergeAll (with backward compatibility).
      • + If enabled, the method will parse everything, including document fields, settings, chunks, snippets and URLs.
  • * \DDTools\ObjectTools::
    • + getPropValue → Parameters → $params->notFoundResult: The new optional parameter. Allows to define what will be returned if required property will not found (see README).
    • + unfold → Parameters → $params->isCrossTypeEnabled: The new optional parameter. This parameter determines whether the method should process elements across different data types, such as arrays and objects, at all levels. When set to true, the method will recursively unfold elements of both array and object types, regardless of the type of the root parent (see README → Examples).
    • * isPropExists → Parameters → $params->object: The method will return false even if the parameter is not an object or array.
  • * \DDTools\ObjectCollection::setOneItemData → Parameters: The following have been renamed (old names are still supported but deprecated):
    • * itemIndexindex.
    • * itemDatadata.
  • + \DDTools\Base\Base::getClassName: The new public static method. Gets data about a class name (see README).
  • + \DDTools\Base\AncestorTrait::getChildClassName: The new public static method (see README).
  • + \DDTools\Storage\: The new classes. This is beta functionality, use it at your own risk.

Version 0.61

30 Sep 21:08
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  • + \DDTools\ObjectTools::convertType → Parameters → $params->type → Valid values → 'stringHtmlAttrs': The new available value. Allows conversion to an HTML attributes string (see README → Examples).

Version 0.60

14 May 17:03
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  • + \ddTools::getTpl: The new public method (see README).

Version 0.59

29 Mar 21:04
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  • + \ddTools::parseText: In addition to accessing nested properties via placeholders like '[+prop.subProp+]', you can get whole object as JSON via placeholders like '[+prop+]' (see README → Examples).

Version 0.58.1

29 Mar 13:03
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  • * \DDTools\ObjectTools::convertType → Parameters → $params->type → Valid values → 'stringQueryFormatted': A mistake has been fixed. The incorrect value 'stringQueryFormated' is also supported for backward compatibility.

Version 0.58

21 Mar 16:50
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  • + \DDTools\Base\AncestorTrait::createChildInstance → Parameters → $params->parentDir: Is no longer required and by default is equal to dirname of a class that uses this trait.