This is a suite of tools to create sprites and screens for the Agon Light computers.
- spredit let you draw animated sprites directly in your AgonLight or Agon Console 8. These sprites can be 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 or 32x32 pixels.
- png2scn is a windows tool to convert png images with the right size and number of colors to a screen format.
- png2spr is a windows tool to convert png animstrip to animated sprites, compatible with spredit.
- scnviewer is a windows tool that let you view your converted screens.
- sprviewer is a windows tool that let you view your converted sprites.
- zap is an algorythm to crunch/decrunch your images.
- in palettes folder, you can find AgonLight default palette for Aseprite, Pro Motion or a png with the palette.
Current work:
- spredit is now working again, and palettes will be improved.
- png2scn and png2spr have been improved.
- scnviewer and sprviewer are new.
- added a screen loader in ez80 assembler.
- added a sprites loader in ez80 assembler.
- added png2tileset.
All Purebasic 6.1.2 programs can be freely compiled and adapted for Raspberry Pi, MacOS or Linux.