- portal of private ads, widely used in Latvia.
Adding ad to memo as a favorite.
- Go to any category,
- search for an ad,
- open it,
- scroll down to see “Add to favorites”.
- Once you click it, it gets added to the “Memo" section (on the top in the header menu).
- Alternatively, you can select ads from the list and add several to Memo at once.
- You can do that while searching as well - the advanced search from the header menu.
- Please be sure to achieve a reasonable coverage of the feature to test.
- Feel free to do any other use case that you feel could demonstrate your testing decisions better.
Java and Selenium combo.
- feature is reasonably tested with asserts that make business sense;
- spec is readable and not too verbose (feel free to use Cucumber);
- solution is well structured, test logic decoupled from app specifics (like page object pattern or other alternatives).