Here is a proof of concept of a "small molecule chemistry centric gui", running in a web-browser
Some basic calculations are done which can be easiliy expanded upon. A practical, non standard one concerns process safety, the so called "oxygene balance". See for example for more info.
It's build in Pyton and uses the Plotly Dash components.
For installation, see the environment folder.
A simple input form (one one single page) to enter a smiles which calculates some values that you can easily extend with additional numbers.
A concept for a dashboard where you could have multiple pages for different purposes, accessible via a menu. This example also contains a structural editor version of the above example.
Dash is a somewhat straightforward way to make a GUI, especially in context of data-(analysis). The callbacks though aren't always that straightforward imho to use. And although html is used, dash uses it's own wrapper which can make things a bit confusing. Then again, it could just be me.
A number of tutorials helped me, among them I want to thank and highlight:
- ArjanCodes dash tutorial, including the Youtube videos
- Algorithms, including the Youtube videos
### Updates * Minor refactoring in code 0.0.1 -> 0.0.2