This project is a 3D FPS developed in Godot 4.2, showcasing various features and aiming to implement a spray pattern system with the Godot game engine.
Its primary objective is to serve as both a demonstration of advanced gameplay mechanics and a learning resource, since I haven't been able to find many implementations of this particular recoil system in Godot.
- Spray pattern system
- Player movement mechanics (crouching, sprinting, jumping)
- Procedural visual recoil, weapon tilting/swaying/bobbing, camera screenshake
- Weapon functionality (shooting, reloading, idle)
- Support for multiple weapons (although currently featuring one), each with customizable spray patterns by using 2D curves
- Polishing effects (muzzle flash, bullet trails, debris)
Godot 4.2 and higher is recommended.
Just clone the repo and launch the game within Godot.
- FPS pack by J-Toastie [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza
- Gun fire sound by GoodSoundForYou:
- Reload sound:
- Muzzle flash texture:
- Prototype textures:
- Weapon model shader by 2nafish117: