Fork to handle automatic reconnect :
require "vendor/autoload.php";
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$mq = new \Bunny\Async\Client($loop, [
'host' => '',
'port' => 5672,
'user' => 'guest',
'password' => 'guest',
// Connect is refactored to be retryable
->retryWhen(function ($errors) {
// Retry to connect on error
return $errors->delay(2000)
->doOnNext(function () {
echo "Disconnected, retry\n";
->flatMap(function () use ($mq) {
// Open only 1 channel
return $mq->channel();
->subscribeCallback(function (\Bunny\Channel $channel) use ($mq, $loop) {
echo "connected\n";
// Publish every 2s
// <- here we drop during disconnect
// <- You have to add a buffer
->flatMap(function () use ($mq, $channel) {
$data = md5(microtime(true));
echo "Produce {$data}\n";
return \Rx\React\Promise::toObservable($channel->publish($data, [], '', 'test'))
->map(function () use ($data) {
return $data;
function ($data) {
echo " {$data} : OK\n";
function () {
echo "error during produce\n";
}, null,
new \Rx\Scheduler\EventLoopScheduler($loop)
}, function (\Exception $e) {
echo "disconnected : {$e->getMessage()}\n";
}, null, new \Rx\Scheduler\EventLoopScheduler($loop));
Performant pure-PHP AMQP (RabbitMQ) sync/async (ReactPHP) library