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Rubén Varela edited this page Oct 23, 2015 · 2 revisions

Pelican Variables

Pelican ?

Display pages on the menu of the template

DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU               = True

Display categories on the menu


Your social links

SOCIAL                              = (('twitter', ''),
                                       ('linkedin', ''),
                                       ('github', ''),
                                       ('stackoverflow', '', 'stack-overflow'))

list of directories or files to be added to the output directory.

STATIC_PATHS                        = ['images']

Path to your pelican-bootstrap3 theme.

THEME                               = ''

RAW Text or HTML used in footer

AUTHOR                              = ''

Alternative to add a static file or folder

EXTRA_PATH_METADATA                 = {}
# Example:
# 'precompiled/path/to/file': {'path': 'generated/path'},
# 'precompiled/path/to/folder': {'path': 'generated/folder'}
# }

Relative URL to output the all-posts Atom feed

FEED_ALL_ATOM                       = 'feeds/all.atom.xml'

Relative URL to output the all-posts RSS feed

FEED_ALL_RSS                        = ''

Blogroll links. Will be shown on the sidebar.

LINKS                               = ()

Extra menu items to appear at the beginning of the main menu

MENUITEMS                           = ()

Your site name

SITENAME                            = ''


####Set to True to show comment count. DISQUS_DISPLAY_COUNTS = False

####Set to true if slug is not unique. DISQUS_ID_PREFIX_SLUG = False

Whether to generate a unique ID or not ?

DISQUS_NO_ID                        = False                                           

####Specify the Disqus sitename identifier here DISQUS_SITENAME = ''


PIWIK - Website ID

PIWIK_SITE_ID                       = ''

PIWIK - If SSL URL differs

PIWIK_SSL_URL                       = ''

PIWIK - URL to your PIWIK server

PIWIK_URL                           = ''

pelican-bootstrap3 Variables


Which Bootswatch theme to use

BOOTSTRAP_THEME                     = ''
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'cerulean'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'cosmo'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'cyborg'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'darkly'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'flatly'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'journal'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'lumen'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'paper'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'readable'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'sandstone'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'simplex'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'slate'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'spacelab'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'superhero'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'united'
# BOOTSTRAP_THEME                   = 'yeti

Set the syntax highlight theme

PYGMENTS_STYLE                      = 'native'
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "autumn"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "borland"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "bw"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "colorful"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "default"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "emacs"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "friendly"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "fruity"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "manni"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "monokai"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "murphy"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "native"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "pastie"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "perldoc"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "solarizeddark"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "solarizedlight"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "tango"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "trac"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "vim"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "vs"
# PYGMENTS_STYLE                    = "zenburn"

Use Bootstrap 3 pagination

USE_PAGER                           = False

Show banner in all pages?

BANNER_ALL_PAGES                    = False

Set the banner subtitle. RAW Text or HTML

BANNER_SUBTITLE                     = ''

Set your banner. Can be relative or absolute

BANNER                              = ''

Set the fluid container layout from Bootstrap

BOOTSTRAP_FLUID                     = False

Use the inverse navbar from Bootstrap


Set the width of the logo

SITELOGO_SIZE                       = ''

Set to True to remove the sidebar

HIDE_SIDEBAR                        = False

Set to True to remove the site name

HIDE_SITENAME                       = False

If True, date/tags/etc will be shown for each article in the index.


Show breadcrumbs on site

DISPLAY_BREADCRUMBS                 = False

Display categories on the sidebar


Display categories in the breadcrumbs


Recent Posts will be shown on the sidebar


Show the author of the article at the top of the article and in the index of articles

SHOW_ARTICLE_AUTHOR                 = False

Show the Category of each article

SHOW_ARTICLE_CATEGORY               = False

Show the article modified date next to the published date

SHOW_DATE_MODIFIED                  = False

Amount of recents posts on sidebar. Depends on DISPLAY_RECENT_POSTS_ON_SIDEBAR

RECENT_POST_COUNT                   = 5

Include images on the sidebar. Set a list of links, relative or absolute, to the images.

SIDEBAR_IMAGES                      = ['',]

Site logo

SITELOGO                            = ''

Path to your favicon. Can be relative or absolute

FAVICON                             = ''

If True, include extra CSS styles for reStructuredText

DOCUTIL_CSS                         = False

Path to your image. Can be relative or absolute

AVATAR                              = ''

RAW Text or HTML

ABOUT_ME                            = ''

Path to where the custom css file will be once generated. See STATIC_PATHS and EXTRA_PATH_METADATA

CUSTOM_CSS                          = ''
# Example: '/static/custom.css'


Show this many repositories

GITHUB_REPO_COUNT                   = 5

Set to true to show Github link.

GITHUB_SHOW_USER_LINK               = False

Skip Github Forks

GITHUB_SKIP_FORK                    = False

Set to your Github user

GITHUB_USER                         = ''


Disable hashtag in URL used to count times copied


Dislay Facebook under post

ADDTHIS_FACEBOOK_LIKE               = True

Dislay G+ share under post

ADDTHIS_GOOGLE_PLUSONE              = True

Set to your AddThis Profile ID

ADDTHIS_PROFILE                     = ''

AddThis Plugin - Dislay Twitter share under post

ADDTHIS_TWEET                       = True


Twitter - Enable Summary Twitter Cards. Needs USE_OPEN_GRAPH = True (which is the default).

TWITTER_CARDS                       = False

Twitter - Set the Twitter username

TWITTER_USERNAME                    = ''

Twitter - Set to the widget ID to show timeline in sidebar

TWITTER_WIDGET_ID                   = ''


Set to false to disable

USE_OPEN_GRAPH                      = True

Set to Facebook APP ID

OPEN_GRAPH_FB_APP_ID                = ''

Relative file path

OPEN_GRAPH_IMAGE                    = ''


Set to True to enable Shariff social media buttons

SHARIFF                             = False

Set to your Shariff instance ?

SHARIFF_BACKEND_URL                 = ''

The localisation to use (en, es, de, etc) ?

SHARIFF_LANG                        = 'de'

How to stack the buttons.

SHARIFF_ORIENTATION                 = 'horizontal'

JSON containing service names to be enabled

SHARIFF_SERVICES                    = '["facebook","googleplus"]'

Color scheme grey and white are alternatives.

SHARIFF_THEME                       = 'standard'

Username to attribute the Tweet to

SHARIFF_TWITTER_VIA                 = False

Content License

Include attribution markup

CC_ATTR_MARKUP                      = False

Set to the common abbreviation of the license you want

CC_LICENSE                          = ''

Set to 'yes' if commercial reuse is permitted

CC_LICENSE_COMMERCIAL               = 'no'

Set to 'yes' if Derivatives are allowed

CC_LICENSE_DERIVATIVES              = 'no'

Set a license string that will be showed at the bottom of every page

CUSTOM_LICENSE                      = ''

Google Analytics

Set to ‘UA-XXXX-YYYY’ to activate

GOOGLE_ANALYTICS                    = ''


Tag Cloud

Tag Cloud - amount of tags shown

TAG_CLOUD_MAX_ITEMS                 =

Tag Cloud - Relative URL of the tags page

TAGS_URL                            = 'tags.html'

Tag Cloud - By default it's shown as a list. Change to inline.

DISPLAY_TAGS_INLINE                 = False

Tag Cloud - Enable

DISPLAY_TAGS_ON_SIDEBAR             = False

Tipue Search

You need to define 'search' here.

DIRECT_TEMPLATES                    = ''

Default location of the search page.

SEARCH_URL                          = '/search.html'


Display information on the series under the title

SHOW_SERIES                         = False

Show previous and next article on sidebar.


Default text to show on the header of the series

SERIES_TEXT                         = 'Part %(index)s of the %(name)s series'
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