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8_Submit A Model

dbuscombe-usgs edited this page Feb 6, 2023 · 1 revision

💾 Contribute!

We welcome model contributions!!

  1. Please open a new discussion Discussion tab and tell us about your model, and the data it is based upon. You must be willing to publish your model on Zenodo and ideally, you would be willing to also publish the imagery the model was based upon. For example, the coin model is based on published label data. This is to ensure transparency and reproducibility.

  2. Once we at Zoo HQ give you the ok, head to Zenodo and hit the 'new upload' button. You must upload only zipped folders. There should be one zipped folder named '' that contains sample imagery, as well as one or more zipped folders containing models. Each model consists of 3 files: a) the 'fullmodel.h5' file created by gym/, b) the config file that made the model, and c) and model card (metadata) file in json format. See this page for more information, as well as the provided model card files.

  3. Please model your Zenodo release as closely as possible to those already part of the Doodleverse. We are particular and may ask you to redo if something is not right. Thank you. When finished, please submit a PR, adding your model to the list of available models in both and

  4. We will test and merge into the main repository, for all to enjoy!