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Merge pull request #12 from DopplerShift13/aspawning
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Ephemeralis authored Aug 29, 2024
2 parents 555fbc7 + 47bb5a1 commit f3fb5ba
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Showing 4 changed files with 494 additions and 0 deletions.
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions modular_doppler/icspawn/
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@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@

assignment = "Continuity Consultant"
trim_state = "trim_stationengineer"
department_color = COLOR_VOID_PURPLE
subdepartment_color = COLOR_ENGINEERING_ORANGE

melee = 95
melee = 95
laser = 95
energy = 95
bomb = 95
bio = 95
fire = 98
acid = 98

name = "Continuity Consultant"
uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate/combat
belt = /obj/item/storage/belt/utility/chief/full/debug
shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/combat/debug
id = /obj/item/card/id/advanced/debug/ccid
box = /obj/item/storage/box/debugtools
backpack_contents = list(
/obj/item/storage/part_replacer/bluespace/tier4/cconsultant = 1,
/obj/item/gun/magic/wand/resurrection/debug = 1,
/obj/item/gun/magic/wand/death/debug = 1,
/obj/item/debug/human_spawner = 1,
/obj/item/debug/omnitool = 1,
/obj/item/storage/box/stabilized = 1,

name = "Continuity Consultant (MODsuit)"
uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate/combat
belt = /obj/item/storage/belt/utility/chief/full/debug
shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/combat/debug
id = /obj/item/card/id/advanced/debug/ccid
box = /obj/item/storage/box/debugtools
backpack_contents = list(
/obj/item/storage/part_replacer/bluespace/tier4/cconsultant = 1,
/obj/item/gun/magic/wand/resurrection/debug = 1,
/obj/item/gun/magic/wand/death/debug = 1,
/obj/item/debug/human_spawner = 1,
/obj/item/debug/omnitool = 1,
/obj/item/storage/box/stabilized = 1,


name = "\improper Continuity Consultant ID"
desc = "An obscure ID card. In your peripheral vision the plasticene surface swims with flowing color."
icon_state = "card_centcom"
assigned_icon_state = "assigned_centcom"
trim = /datum/id_trim/admin/ccid
wildcard_slots = WILDCARD_LIMIT_ADMIN

name = "Continuity Consultant vest"
desc = "A sleek piece of armour designed for Bluespace agents."
armor_type = /datum/armor/vest_debug


name = "\improper Continuity Consultant's belt"

name = "\improper Continuity Consultant RPED"
desc = "A specialized bluespace RPED that can manufacture stock parts on the fly. Alt-Right-Click to manufacture parts, change settings, or clear its internal storage."
/// Whether or not auto-clear is enabled
var/auto_clear = TRUE
/// List of valid types for pick_stock_part().
var/static/list/valid_stock_part_types = list(

. = ..()
atom_storage.max_slots = 1000
atom_storage.max_total_storage = 20000

/// An extension to the default RPED part replacement action - if you don't have the requisite parts in the RPED already, it will spawn T4 versions to use.
/obj/item/storage/part_replacer/bluespace/tier4/cconsultant/part_replace_action(obj/attacked_object, mob/living/user)
// We start with setting up a list of the current contents of the RPED when using auto-clear. This is used to detect new items after upgrades are applied & remove them.
var/list/old_contents = list()
var/list/inv_grab = atom_storage.return_inv(FALSE)
old_contents = atom_storage.return_inv(FALSE)
// Once old_contents has been initialized, if needed, we check if the target object is a machine frame.
var/obj/structure/frame/attacked_frame = attacked_object
if(istype(attacked_frame, /obj/structure/frame/machine))
var/obj/structure/frame/machine/machine_frame = attacked_frame
var/obj/item/circuitboard/machine/circuit = machine_frame.circuit
// Prioritize using the circuit's components list first, if present, to maintain consistency.
spawn_parts_for_components(user, circuit.req_components)
else if(machine_frame.req_components)
spawn_parts_for_components(user, machine_frame.req_components)
// It's not a machine frame, so let's check if it's a regular machine.
if(ismachinery(attacked_object) && !istype(attacked_object, /obj/machinery/computer))
var/obj/machinery/attacked_machinery = attacked_object
var/obj/item/circuitboard/machine/circuit = attacked_machinery.circuit
// If it is, we need to use the circuit's components; there's no good way to get required components off of an already-built machine.
spawn_parts_for_components(user, circuit.req_components)
. = ..()
// If auto-clear is in use,
inv_grab = atom_storage.return_inv(FALSE)
for(var/obj/item/stored_item in inv_grab)
if(!(stored_item in old_contents))

/// A bespoke proc for spawning in parts
/obj/item/storage/part_replacer/bluespace/tier4/cconsultant/proc/spawn_parts_for_components(mob/living/user, list/required_components)
// Since req_components in machineboards can list item types *OR* /datum/stock_part subtypes this gets a little complicated.
var/list/subtypes = list()
for(var/req_component in required_components)
// Start off noting how many the recipe calls for, a counter for how many matching parts have been found, and generating a list of subtypes for use in later checks.
var/parts_amount_required = required_components[req_component]
var/found_matching = 0
subtypes = typesof(req_component)


/// Then, check if the requested component is an object subtype - this means it's probably either materials (e.g, cables) or non-stock_part subtypes like beakers.
if(ispath(req_component, /obj/item))
// If it's a stack, it needs special treatment.
if(ispath(req_component, /obj/item/stack))
// Stacks generate the matching count based on how many matching stacks are in the RPED's inventory with sufficient count.
// To find stacks inside the RPED, we search its contents for anything that's a subtype of /obj/item/stack.
for(var/obj/stored_item in contents)
var/obj/item/stack/stored_item_as_stack = stored_item
// If a stack item is found, we check if it's in the typesof list for the current requested component, and if so, mark its count.
if(stored_item_as_stack.type in subtypes)
found_matching += stored_item_as_stack.amount
// If there's enough, we can return early.
if(found_matching >= parts_amount_required)
// If there's not enough left, spawn enough of the appropriate type that there will be. Stacks' Initialialize accepts an amount for the newly-spawned stack to have, and will auto-split as needed.
if(found_matching < parts_amount_required)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new req_component(src, parts_amount_required - found_matching), user, TRUE)
// It's not a stack, which means now we have to count how many matching items are present.
for(var/obj/stored_item in contents)
if(stored_item.type in subtypes)
found_matching += 1
// If there's enough, we can break - no need to spawn extras.
if(found_matching >= parts_amount_required)
// If there's still not enough, we're going to have to spawn enough in manually.
if(found_matching < parts_amount_required)
for(var/i in 1 to parts_amount_required - found_matching)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new req_component(src), user, TRUE)

/// If it's not an obj, then it's a subtype of /datum/stock_part - or *should be*, anyway.
else if(ispath(req_component, /datum/stock_part))
var/datum/stock_part/part_type = new req_component()
var/base_type = part_type.physical_object_base_type
// Specific machines sometimes call for specific tiers of part; give them precisely what they ask for, just in case.
if(part_type.tier > 1)
base_type = part_type.physical_object_type
// Search to see if we have enough of that exact item, and if not, we'll spawn more.
for(var/obj/stored_item in contents)
if(stored_item.type == base_type)
found_matching += 1
// If there's enough, we can return early.
if(found_matching >= parts_amount_required)
// If there's still not enough, we're going to have to spawn enough in manually.
if(found_matching < parts_amount_required)
for(var/i in 1 to parts_amount_required - found_matching)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new base_type(src), user, TRUE)
// For everything else, just make sure we have enough valid items of the stock part's subtypes.
subtypes = typesof(base_type)
for(var/obj/stored_item in contents)
if(stored_item.type in subtypes)
found_matching += 1
// If there's enough, we can return early.
if(found_matching >= parts_amount_required)

// If there's still not enough, we're going to have to spawn enough in manually.
if(found_matching < parts_amount_required)
// Reset the subtypes list so we can pick the highest tier of part available.
subtypes = typesof(req_component)
var/highest_tier = 0

// Search those subtypes for the highest. This SHOULD only ever go up to 4, but that's on the assumption upstream doesn't change it.
for(var/subtype_path in subtypes)
var/datum/stock_part/sub_part = new subtype_path()
if(sub_part.tier > highest_tier)
highest_tier = sub_part.tier
base_type = sub_part.physical_object_type

// Once the best component has been found, fill in enough remaining.
for(var/i in 1 to parts_amount_required - found_matching)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new base_type(src), user, TRUE)

// If it's not a /datum/stock_part subtype either, something has gone wrong and devs should probably be alerted.
if(found_matching < parts_amount_required)
to_chat(user, span_notice("Something went wrong manufacturing [req_component]. Alert the devs, and let them know what machine it was!"))

/// cconsultants' special Bluespace RPED can manufacture parts on Alt-RMB, either cables, glass, machine boards, or stock parts.
// Ask the user what they want to make, or if they want to clear the storage.
var/spawn_selection = tgui_input_list(user, "Pick a part, or clear storage", "RPED Manufacture", list("Clear All Items", "Toggle Auto-Clear", "Cables", "Glass", "Spare T4s", "Machine Board", "Stock Part", "Beaker"))
// If they didn't cancel out of the list selection, we do things. Clear-all removes all items, auto-clear destroys left-overs after upgrades, and everything else is pretty self-explanatory.
// Machine boards and stock parts use a recursive subtype selector.
else if(spawn_selection == "Clear All Items")
var/list/inv_grab = atom_storage.return_inv(FALSE)
for(var/obj/item/stored_item in inv_grab)
else if(spawn_selection == "Toggle Auto-Clear")
auto_clear = !auto_clear
to_chat(user, span_notice("The RPED will now [(auto_clear ? "destroy" : "keep")] items left-over after upgrades."))
else if(spawn_selection == "Cables")
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new /obj/item/stack/cable_coil(src), user, TRUE)
else if(spawn_selection == "Glass")
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new /obj/item/stack/sheet/glass/fifty(src), user, TRUE)
else if(spawn_selection == "Spare T4s")
for(var/i in 1 to 10)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new /obj/item/stock_parts/capacitor/quadratic(src), user, TRUE)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new /obj/item/stock_parts/scanning_module/triphasic(src), user, TRUE)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new /obj/item/stock_parts/servo/femto(src), user, TRUE)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new /obj/item/stock_parts/micro_laser/quadultra(src), user, TRUE)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new /obj/item/stock_parts/matter_bin/bluespace(src), user, TRUE)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new /obj/item/stock_parts/power_store/cell/bluespace(src), user, TRUE)
if(spawn_selection == "Machine Board")
subtype = /obj/item/circuitboard/machine
else if(spawn_selection == "Stock Part")
subtype = /obj/item/stock_parts
else if(spawn_selection == "Beaker")
subtype = /obj/item/reagent_containers/cup/beaker
pick_stock_part(user, FALSE, subtype)

/// A bespoke proc for picking a subtype to spawn in a relatively user-friendly way.
/obj/item/storage/part_replacer/bluespace/tier4/cconsultant/proc/pick_stock_part(mob/user, recurse, subtype)
// Sanity check: make sure it's actually an item, and not an atom, machine, or whatever else someone might try to feed it down the line.
if(!is_path_in_list(subtype, valid_stock_part_types))
// Stores a list of pretty type names : actual paths.
var/list/items_temp = list()
// Grab the initial list of paths, NOT INCLUDING this specific path.
var/list/paths = subtypesof(subtype)

// Simplistic check to only list top-level subtypes.
var/list/top_level_subtypes_only = list()
for(var/datum/subtype_path as anything in paths)
if(initial(subtype_path.parent_type) != subtype)
top_level_subtypes_only += subtype_path
paths = top_level_subtypes_only

// With all sub-subtypes removed, initialize the list of valid, spawnable items & their pretty names - and if this is a recursion, include the original subtype.
paths += subtype
for(var/path in paths)
var/obj/path_as_obj = path
// Generates a pretty list of item names & paths, including notes for those with subtypes. When browsing subtypes, the parent won't have the (# more) note added.
if(path == subtype)
items_temp["[initial(]: [path]"] = path
items_temp["[initial(] (+[length(subtypesof(path))] more): [path]"] = path
items_temp["[initial(]: [path]"] = path

// Finally, once the listed is generated, ask the user what they want to spawn.
var/target_item = tgui_input_list(user, "Select Subtype", "RPED Manufacture", sort_list(items_temp))
// If they select something, and the name:path binding is valid, then either spawn it, OR, if it has subtypes, and isn't the parent type, recurse to let them pick a subtype.
var/the_item = items_temp[target_item]
if(length(subtypesof(the_item)) && the_item != subtype)
pick_stock_part(user, TRUE, the_item)
for(var/i in 1 to 25)
atom_storage.attempt_insert(new the_item(src), user, TRUE)

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