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Project 13 OpenClassrooms Path - Orange Country Lettings -- Scale a Django application using a modular architecture

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Orange County Lettings


Project 13 OpenClassrooms Path - Orange Country Lettings -- Scale a Django application using a modular architecture

For this last project of the OpenClassrooms Python Developer path, I undertook the task of refactoring a Django application to enhance its efficiency and maintainability. As part of this process, I meticulously crafted unit tests using Django's TestCases to ensure the reliability and integrity of the codebase. Additionally, I rigorously verified the codebase using flake8 to detect and rectify any syntax errors or style violations, ensuring adherence to best practices.

To further fortify the project, I aimed for a minimum test coverage of 80%, employing tools such as to gauge and improve the comprehensiveness of the tests.

After the successful refactoring, I encapsulated the Django application within a Docker image using a Dockerfile, facilitating consistent and reproducible deployment environments. This Docker image was subsequently hosted on Docker Hub for accessibility and distribution purposes.

To automate the deployment process, I implemented a GitHub Actions pipeline, configuring it to build, test, and deploy the project seamlessly. Leveraging the power of Render for deployment, I orchestrated the deployment pipeline to seamlessly transition the refactored Django application from development to production environments.

For deployment, I employed Gunicorn as the HTTP server and Whitenoise for serving static files, ensuring efficient and secure deployment of the Django application. This holistic approach to project management and deployment has not only optimized the performance and reliability of the Django application but also streamlined the deployment process for future iterations. My last step was to document my project with Read the Docs and Sphinx.


You can find a detailed documentation for the Django project of Orange Country Lettings on Read-the-Docs

Deployed on Render

This project has been successfully deployed on Render! Render is a cloud platform that makes it easy to deploy and manage applications, ensuring that our project is scalable, reliable, and accessible from anywhere. You can access our live project deployment on Render using the following link:

Orange Country Lettings-Project URL

Feel free to explore the application, and don't hesitate to provide feedback or report any issues you encounter.


Possibility 1: Retrieving the Latest Docker Image

Ensure you have your Docker Hub login credentials ready.

Login to Docker Hub and pull the Latest Docker Image:

$ make pull_docker_image_python

Verify the Pulled Image and get the TAG:

$ docker images

Run the Docker Container:

$ make run_docker_image

Possibility 2: Clone the GitHub repository

1) Clone the GitHub repository

$ git clone
$ cd OC_lettings

2) Create a SECRET_KEY

create a SECRET_KEY with command:

$ make generate_secret_key

and replace the SECRET_KEY in file: oc_lettings_site/settings-local-template

3) Install all dependencies

choose a simple setup including creating a virtual environment, set up the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in terminal and install all dependencies:

3.1) for Linux/Mac:

$ make virtual_linux_setup_install

Description: This command is tailored for Linux and macOS environments. It first sets up a virtual environment to isolate Python dependencies, then configures the local environment variables (DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE), and finally installs all project dependencies, updates pip, migrates the database, and starts the Django server with gunicorn.

Usage: Ideal for ensuring a clean and isolated development environment on Linux and macOS systems, enhancing dependency management and consistency across different setups.

3.2) for Windows:

$ make virtual_windows_setup_install

Description: Designed for Windows environments, this command initiates a virtual environment to isolate Python dependencies, sets up the local environment variables (DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE), installs all project dependencies, updates pip, migrates the database, and starts the Django server with gunicorn.

Usage: Ensures consistent dependency management and environment setup on Windows systems, optimizing the development workflow and maintaining project integrity across different platforms.

3.3) or create your own virtual environment and use:

$ make setup_install

Description: This command sets up the local environment variables (DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE) and then installs all project dependencies, updates pip, migrates the database using python migrate, and starts the Django server with gunicorn.

Usage: It combines the functionalities of setting up environment variables and installing dependencies, crucial for initializing the Django application in various environments.

4) Run the server

4.1 $ python runserver or
4.2 $ gunicorn oc_lettings_site.wsgi:application

and navigate to in your browser

5) Admin panel

  • navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin
  • use the login details: username: adminand password: Abc1234!