This documentation summarises the scripts in ParaViewCloudVis/automation_scripts
For a brief overview of ParaView, please see ParaViewCloudVis/documentation/ParaView-UserGuide-Summary.pdf
For the Visualisation Pipeline overview, please see ParaViewCloudVis/documentation/pipeline_documentation.pdf
Automation scripts:
They share a set of flags to help generalise. Those flags are reviewed below.
Note, that when using these scripts, there are two ways:
- set these flags as command-line arguments, like so:
... pvbatch --srtx=1 --oformat=".png"
2) set default values inside the script (names of the default values are CAPITALISED below, ...
... for example default of --sli is written in variable SAVE_LOCAL_ILLUMINATION_IMAGE etc.
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --sli [SAVE_LOCAL_ILLUMINATION_IMAGE] Save Local Illumination rendered image (1=yes, 0=no) --srtx [SAVE_RAY_TRACED_IMAGE] Save Ray-Traced/Path-Traced rendered image (1=yes, 0=no) --sanim [SAVE_ANIMATION] Save Animation (1=yes, 0=no) --oformat [ANIMATION_FORMAT] Output format for video (".png", ".avi", ".mp4", note, that avi and mp4 might not work for ARCHER2 or ARC3/4) --name OUTPUT_NAMES Set image Name for all outputs (images and animation). Output type (li, rtx, anim) will be appended to this name. --data DATA_PATH Path to Data --tf TRANSFER_FUNCTION_PATH TRANSFER_FUNCTION_TITLE Path to Transfer Function file .json, and the transfer function name --camoffset CAMERA_OFFSET[3] Camera offset (as fracional percentage) from center, given as a list of 3 elements ... example: [1.275, 1, 3] --numframes [NUM_FRAMES] Number of frames in animation --anim_frame_start [ANIMATION_FRAME_START] Frame Start Number in animation output --anim_frame_end [ANIMATION_FRAME_END] Frame End Number in animation output --fps [FPS] Frames per second in animation output --crossect [APPLY_CROSS_SECTION] Apply Cross Section (0=no, 1=yes) --crossect_plane [CROSS_SECTION_PLANE] Choose the cross-section plane: 0 = X-axis-left-side, 1 = X-axis-right-side, 2 = Y-axis-left-side, 3 = Y-axis-right-side, 4 = Z-axis-left-side, 5 = Z-axis- right-side. --crossect_percent [CROSS_SECTION_PERCENTAGE] Choose the plane cutting percentage in chosen axis/plane (see argument 'crossect_plane') --image_output_width [IMAGE_OUTPUT_WIDTH] Image/Video output width --image_output_height [IMAGE_OUTPUT_HEIGHT] Image/Video output height --video_output_width [VIDEO_OUTPUT_WIDTH] Image/Video output width --video_output_height [VIDEO_OUTPUT_HEIGHT] Image/Video output height --num_orbits [NUM_ORBITS] Number of orbits (spins) arount the object --anim_time_start [ANIMATION_TIME_START] Animation time start (if higher than 1.0, it will pick next timestep of time-dependent data) --anim_time_end [ANIMATION_TIME_END] Animation time end (if higher than 1.0, it will pick next timestep of time-dependent data) --light_rotation [LIGHT_ROTATION] Degrees to rotate light in an orbit --camera_rotation [CAMERA_ROTATION] Degrees to rotate light in an orbit --light_above [LIGHT_ABOVE] Have the light above the data (1=yes, 0=no) --light_radius [LIGHT_RADIUS] Light disk radius. 0.0 is point-light and anything >0.0 is area light --light_intensity [LIGHT_INTENSITY] Light intensity (brightness), typically [0.0, 1.0] --samples_per_pixel [SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL] Option for Path-tracing: number of samples for each pixel in image --progressive_passes [PROGRESSIVE_PASSES] Option for Path-tracing: more passes, less noisy the final picture (if denoising is enabed, it will be blurry with less passes) --rtx_denoise [DENOISE_PATH_TRACING] Option for Path-tracing: post-processing denoising of rendered image (1=yes, 0=no) --main_variable [MAIN_VARIABLE] Main variable of dataset to visualise (given as string, from netcdf variable name) --current_time [CURRENT_TIME] Degrees to rotate light in an orbit --normlightdirvec [NORMALISE_LIGHT_DIRECTION] Set light direction vector to be length 1 (1=yes, 0=no) --animrtx [RAY_TRACED_ANIMATION] Save animation using ray/path tracing