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Custom Raffle (Actions)

Draww edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 3 revisions


{} = Required value

Actions are functions that can be run after certain conditions are met, they can be commands, items, sounds, etc. There is an extensive list of actions that can be performed.

Name Description Since Version Example
Chance Chance out of 100% that this action will be performed 1.0 [Chance=] [{action}]
Delay Delays the action to be performed after the delay period in seconds 1.0 [Delay={time}] [{action}]
SyncTask Performs the action in sync with the server tick [SyncTask][{action}]
PlayerCommand Executes the command as a player 1.0 [PlayerCommand] {command}
ConsoleCommand Executes the command as the console 1.0 [ConsoleCommand] {command}
OperatorCommand Executes the command as an operator 1.0 [OperatorCommand] {command}
Broadcast Broadcasts the following message to the server 1.0 [Broadcast] {message}
Message Sends the following message to the player 1.0 [Message] {message}
JSONBroadcast Sends the JSON message to the server 1.0 [JSONBroadcast] {message}
JSONMessage Sends the JSON message to the player 1.0 [JSONMessage] {message}
Sound Plays the sound for the player 1.0 [Sound] {sound value}
VaultGive Adds the amount to the players Vault economy balance 1.0 [VaultGive] {amount}
VaultTake Takes the amount from the players Vault economy balance 1.0 [VaultTake] {amount}
Teleport Teleports the player to the specified coordinates 1.0 [Teleport] {world name};{x};{y};{z}
Teleport(Yaw-Pitch) Teleports the player to the specified coordinates 1.0 [Teleport] {world name};{x};{y};{z};{yaw};{pitch}
GiveItem Gives the player the specified item 1.0 [GiveItem] {material}:{amount}:{item_meta}:{enchantments;level}:{name}:{lores;line2;line3...}
RemoveItem Removes the player the specified item 1.0 [RemoveItem] {material}:{amount}:{item_meta}:{enchantments;level}:{name}:{lores;line2;line3...}
TitleBroadcast Displays the title for the server 1.0 [TitleBroadcast] {title}
TitleBroadcast(Subtitle) Displays the title & subtitle for the server 1.0 [TitleBroadcast] {title};{subtitle}
Title Displays the title for the player 1.0 [Title] {title}
Title(Subtitle) Displays the title & subtitle for the player 1.0 [Title] {title};{subtitle}
ActionBarBroadcast Displays the action bar message for the server 1.0 [ActionBarBroadcast] {message}
ActionBar Displays the action bar message for the player 1.0 [ActionBar] {message}
Bungee Sends the player to the specified bungee server 1.0 [Bungee] {server}
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