I'm a 20-year-old full-stack developer with a passion for building innovative applications and exploring new technologies. I'm most comfortable with Rust, JavaScript/TypeScript, and Java, and I enjoy using these languages to build robust, scalable software.
In particular, I love Rust π¦ for its performance and safety guarantees, and TypeScript for its strong typing and ease of use. I also have experience with the following languages, but generally don't enjoy working with them:
- C++
- C#
- Python
- Lua
- Go
- Dart
I enjoy creating Minecraft mods and Fivem/Cfx scripts. I'm also looking forward to the release of Hytale and hope to become a modder for that game as well!
Here are a few projects I've worked on recently:
- Discord Source: A Tauri, Rust based application for embedding discord video streams in OBS and other similar streaming softwares.
- Tuxphones: A Rust based application for Screensharing Audio on Discord for Linux.
- WebRTC Redux: A GStreamer plugin for streaming video and audio using WebRTC.rs
- Endgame Mod: An endgame Minecraft mod.
- DiscordLoom mod: Create a direct link between your Minecraft fabric server and Discord servers with DiscordLoom, ensuring only whitelisted players have access.
If you'd like to chat about programming, gaming, or anything else that interests you, feel free to reach out to me on Discord (@dreamingcodes).
You can also find my contact information on my website: https://dreaming.codes.