A simple plugin for publishing static JSON files from Wordpress for a headless CMS.
- Download the repo
- Place in your plugins directory
- Activate
- Setup your AWS bucket information with Key and Secret in the aws plugin.
- WP Headless uses those same credentials for uploading to s3.
- ACF Pro ( Advanced Custom Fields Pro )
- AWS ( Amazon Web Services )
- WP Offload ( Wordpress Offload Lite )
Once installed and all requirements are met, you will see a new menu item called Publish Site. There you will find: - About - Publish Staging - Publish Production - Content
Inside of content you can setup your content however you wish. When you create a new content group you give it a name and pick posts/pages/users/media - whatever you want to create a package out of. Once you've configured your content click "update" and then publish staging
or publish production