released this
02 Oct 09:31
408 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- Update compose to v1.2.0 by @renovate in #2
- Disable android test for Action by @takahirom in #9
- Add molecule by @takahirom in #1
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.5.1 by @renovate in #3
- Update dagger to v2.43 by @renovate in #7
- Add ViewModel logic by @takahirom in #12
- Add model module by @takahirom in #10
- Update dependency androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx to v2.5.1 by @renovate in #5
- Update dagger to v2.43.1 by @renovate in #13
- Rename home to sessions module by @takahirom in #14
- Update androidGradlePlugin to v7.4.0-alpha09 by @renovate in #15
- Update dagger to v2.43.2 by @renovate in #16
- Add designsystem module by @takahirom in #18
- Setup ios module by @takahirom in #19
- Fix hilt by @takahirom in #20
- Add data module by @takahirom in #21
- Fix native by @takahirom in #22
- Fix ios framework is not generated by @takahirom in #23
- Refactor app module name for mpp by @takahirom in #24
- Update dependency gradle to v7.5.1 by @renovate in #17
- Introduce Zipline by @takahirom in #31
- Update compose to v1.2.1 by @renovate in #25
- Update dependency androidx.fragment:fragment to v1.5.2 by @renovate in #28
- Update dependency com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp to v4.10.0 by @renovate in #33
- Add ktor dependencies by @takahirom in #35
- Migrate material3 library by @takahirom in #36
- implement dependency graph task by @RyuNen344 in #37
- Add datastore for favorite by @takahirom in #38
- Add test base implementation by @takahirom in #40
- Update ktor to v2.1.0 by @renovate in #32
- Introduce Compose test base implementation by @takahirom in #42
- Add Robot testing pattern by @takahirom in #43
- Add timetable models by @takahirom in #44
- Add Timetable layout by @takahirom in #45
- Add timetable layout by @takahirom in #46
- Fix filter toggle test by @takahirom in #47
- Draw hour lines for timetable by @takahirom in #48
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.0.0-alpha16 by @renovate in #41
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class to v1.0.0-alpha16 by @renovate in #27
- Update dependency app.cash.molecule:molecule-gradle-plugin to v0.4.0 by @renovate in #30
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.4.0 by @renovate in #49
- Fix zipline by @takahirom in #53
- Add day tab by @takahirom in #54
- Fix package names by @takahirom in #55
- Add favorite test by @takahirom in #56
- Update dependency org.robolectric:robolectric to v4.8.2 by @renovate in #59
- Init ios by @ry-itto in #60
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.0.0-beta01 by @renovate in #64
- Update dependency com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs to v1.2.2 by @renovate in #61
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.6.0-rc01 by @renovate in #63
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class to v1.0.0-beta01 by @renovate in #65
- [iOS] Introduce SwiftGen by @ry-itto in #68
- [iOS] Introduce SwiftLint by @ry-itto in #69
- Add Firebase auth implementation by @takahirom in #66
- Adapt timetable color and size by @takahirom in #71
- Fix broken kotlin sourceSet by @takahirom in #72
- Fix auth import by @takahirom in #73
- Add contributors empty implementation by @takahirom in #75
- Refactor sessions by @takahirom in #74
- Add README by @takahirom in #57
- Update compose to v1.3.0-beta01 by @renovate in #62
- Refactor by @takahirom in #76
- Fix name by @takahirom in #78
- Divide KaigiScaffold and KaigiAppDrawer by @takahirom in #80
- apply tab design by @sobaya-0141 in #81
- Quit value class of TimetableItemId by @takahirom in #83
- Fix tests by @takahirom in #84
- [iOS] introduce composable-architecture by @ry-itto in #87
- [iOS] Not to use SwiftGenPlugin package to avoid high cpu usage by @ry-itto in #88
- Add readme texts related to test by @takahirom in #85
- Apply contribution screen with design by @sobaya-0141 in #86
- Create PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md by @RyuNen344 in #92
- [iOS] Add README content by @ry-itto in #93
- Implemented Tab indicator design by @NUmeroAndDev in #96
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-auth to v21.0.8 by @renovate in #94
- Apply timetable item design by @kokoakuma in #89
- Added color theming by @NUmeroAndDev in #90
- [iOS] Session Detail Base by @ry-itto in #99
- [iOS] Apply TimetableView design, color by @ry-itto in #100
- [iOS] fix crash xcode preview by @ry-itto in #101
- Apply timetable item color by @takahirom in #98
- Update issue templates by @takahirom in #104
- Update issue templates by @takahirom in #105
- Implemented vertical lines in the timetable by @NUmeroAndDev in #108
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-common to v20.1.2 by @renovate in #95
- Change issue format by @takahirom in #113
- Add Koin for iOS by @takahirom in #110
- Change app name by @takahirom in #115
- Add timetable detail screen Base by @cOnigashima in #102
- Apply toolbar design by @yurihondo in #117
- Set app icon by @kouki4416 in #118
- [iOS] refactor: TimetableView by @ry-itto in #121
- Fix upload apk by @takahirom in #120
- Apply status bar color by @yurihondo in #125
- Refactor top app bar by @takahirom in #123
- Apply navigation drawer design by @obaya884 in #122
- Delete filter by @takahirom in #127
- Update README by @takahirom in #116
- Show screen when loading by @takahirom in #128
- [Proposal]Fix timetable scrolling by @NUmeroAndDev in #109
- Deploy zipline by @takahirom in #130
- Add zipline deploy by @takahirom in #132
- [iOS] introduce assets module, add navigationBar by @ry-itto in #131
- Separate deploy zipline by @takahirom in #134
- Add about screen with empty by @obaya884 in #129
- Fix concurrency for deploy by @takahirom in #136
- Add contents read permission for action by @takahirom in #140
- Add page permission by @takahirom in #141
- Use zipline by @takahirom in #143
- Fix zipline and handle error by @takahirom in #144
- Add sessions list screen by @mitohato14 in #139
- Toggle timetable by @takahirom in #145
- Apply dev API by @takahirom in #79
- Add images by @takahirom in #147
- Add tech stack image by @takahirom in #148
- add ViewModel and Injection to timetable detail by @cOnigashima in #146
- [iOS] Add empty features, Init tab by @ry-itto in #149
- Refactor by @takahirom in #154
- Timetable hours by @t-yusaku in #151
- Extend socket timeout time by @takahirom in #162
- Use session detail by @takahirom in #168
- fix: KMM module build failed. rename UserDatastore to SettingsDatastore by @ry-itto in #150
- Add favorite button to session detail by @takahirom in #193
- Add missing spaces in README.md by @jisungbin in #194
- fix tab title day size by @okuzawats in #196
- [Docs] Correct web links by @tshion in #197
- Remove redundant ripples by @nthily in #198
- Fixed #170, Navigate from sessions list to session's detail by @Pluu in #199
- Remove redundant label in AndroidManifest by @ogapants in #200
- Fix typo in CONTRIBUTING.ja.md by @84d010m08 in #204
- fix layout in session detail screen by @ttanaka330 in #203
- Fix ktlint import layout and match it with Android Studio's default order by @kafumi in #201
- Scroll up when taps current tab #153 by @adakoda in #206
- Add "Kaigi" to IDE dictionary #133 by @toastmeister1 in #210
- [feature/#165] Add back to sessions list or timelines from session detail screen by @l2hyunwoo in #212
- ✨ Added a button for external services to the About screen. by @Corvus400 in #214
- [iOS] Add app icon by @ry-itto in #219
- [iOS] Introduce KMM Repositories by @ry-itto in #152
- Update dependency androidx.browser:browser to v1.4.0 by @renovate in #220
- [feature/#169] Fix term design by requirements by @l2hyunwoo in #207
- ♻️ Update About screen by @Corvus400 in #215
- Improve the session list ui by @nthily in #213
- Add "read more" to description in Session Detail Screen by @kota-shiokara in #211
- Make ExternalServices camel case by @obaya884 in #223
- [feature/#186] Show app version in about screen by @l2hyunwoo in #224
- Apply slot API pattern to KaigiTag by @r4wxii in #221
- Fix assets design in session detail by @blackbracken in #228
- Add Auxiliary Information Section for About Screen by @kittinunf in #226
- [iOS] fix: use AsyncStream for Kotlin coroutenes flow by @ry-itto in #233
- [iOS] Init about view by @ry-itto in #240
- Move currentStartTime into remember block by @minibugdev in #235
- Add padding bottom of day tab. by @mona-apk in #237
- add Open the venue information by Google map by @yoshida0261 in #242
- Update ktor to v2.1.1 by @renovate in #243
- [skip ci] 🔧 Fix Fixed the part of the template that remains the same. by @Corvus400 in #247
- Fix that app can't show sessions by @takahirom in #246
- Improve timetable scroll accessibility by @NUmeroAndDev in #216
- ♻️ Update Enabled transition to GitHub profile page. by @Corvus400 in #245
- Show progress bar when loading by @takahirom in #248
- ♻️ Update Eliminate TODO matters for About screen. by @Corvus400 in #244
- add bottom navigation view in session detail screen by @KoutaMatsushita in #239
- 🔧 Fix Fixed a bug in session details by @Corvus400 in #252
- 🔧 Fixed display of multiple speakers. by @Corvus400 in #253
- Apply Slot API Pattern to KaigiTopAppBar by @knyackiko in #255
- Add BuildKonfig to support production api url by @minibugdev in #241
- Remove unnecessary NavigationDrawer's navigation stack by @nthily in #256
- Add feature-map module by @nthily in #258
- Added Timetable room header by @surajsau in #263
- Set weight to the height of the text in TimetableItem by @yamacraft in #265
- Improve build performance for Kotlin Native by @RyuNen344 in #264
- Update compose to v1.3.0-beta02 by @renovate in #270
- Moved CircularProgressIndicator to center by @ikemura23 in #267
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.6.0-rc02 by @renovate in #271
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.0.0-beta02 by @renovate in #274
- Update dependency androidx.compose.compiler:compiler to v1.3.1 by @renovate in #273
- Insert margin between tab items by @minibugdev in #268
- Enabled predictive back gesture by @maxfie1d in #280
- Display persistent navigation drawer when window width is "expanded" by @kafumi in #269
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class to v1.0.0-beta02 by @renovate in #275
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.5.2 by @renovate in #276
- Fixed build failed by @NUmeroAndDev in #285
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.9.0 by @renovate in #284
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #283
- [iOS] Setup iOS CI by @ry-itto in #257
- add tagsLine in session detail by @ao0000 in #272
- Add a project icon by @fumito-s in #277
- Make common value for timetable layout size by @wildstarzw in #282
- Create information screen by @sadashi-ota in #281
- add compose compiler metrics option by @MasahiroLittleforest in #288
- Move raw text to strings.xml in SessionDetail by @yuheikawakami in #291
- Update dependency io.coil-kt:coil-compose to v2.2.1 by @renovate in #292
- Fix extrernal service image button to match Material Design Accessibility by @hiraike32 in #289
- define all typography by @marshi in #294
- 📝 Change Change text style to match design by @Corvus400 in #293
- Use macos for build by @takahirom in #295
- Make SmallTopAppBar TopAppBar by @umsys in #308
- Cache .konan to improve Kotlin/Native build times by @tnj in #307
- Create search screen by @mtkw0127 in #278
- Not to reuse Modifier instances more than necessary in SessionDetail.kt by @SSong-develop in #302
- 🔧 Fix Fixed a bug in the session details screen. by @Corvus400 in #305
- Update actions/cache action to v3 by @renovate in #309
- Make Android builds installable on each pull request by @tnj in #303
- ✨ Add Added a simple test. by @Corvus400 in #304
- Update actions/github-script action to v6 by @renovate in #314
- Add DB cache for sessions by @fornewid in #286
- Revert "Update actions/github-script action to v6" by @takahirom in #315
- Fix black in readme file by @JAICHANGPARK in #316
- Support vertical pinch in/out on timetable by @kafumi in #320
- Fix a typo in README by @woxtu in #328
- Update Zipline version from 0.91 to 0.94 by @horie1024 in #332
- the indicator for loading contributors is located in the upper left c… by @SSong-develop in #322
- ♻️ Update URL is also attached when the share button is pressed. by @Corvus400 in #334
- ✨ Add Prevent classes not used in Jetpack Compose from appearing in suggestions. by @Corvus400 in #336
- Translation added and Monochrome icon supported. by @Hamachi-geek in #321
- make session description expandable with clicking session detail text by @furusin in #319
- Hoist URL handling to KaigiApp by @fornewid in #337
- [Proposal] Simplify uiModel with reusable UiLoadState by @kittinunf in #287
- Migrate SessionDetail to use UiLoadState instead by @kittinunf in #339
- Make navigation drawer scrollable by @anzuchitakuro in #340
- list mode selection should be keep through navigation by @sudachi808 in #318
- Add ComposeRule task by @iwata-n in #341
- Add padding to Contributors icon by @iiinaiii in #343
- Calculate the height from the original time minus 1 minutes and add end padding by @rmakiyama in #351
- Add about description in English by @att55 in #356
- Migrate to use UiLoadState for the rest of the screens by @kittinunf in #350
- Create Setting Screen by @obaya884 in #353
- Fixed screen flickering when transitioning by @rmakiyama in #361
- [iOS] Apply room colors to the timetable items by @woxtu in #364
- Add
modifier = Modifier
parameter to all composable function in Search by @mikanIchinose in #358 - Improve about screen accessibility by @yukilabo in #360
- [Proposal] Move build logic plugins into gradle/plugins folder by @myoshita in #366
- Day tab small by scroll by @kako351 in #357
- Add staffs screen by @t-nonomura in #331
- Add frame of sponsors feature by @ho2ri2s in #371
- 🔧 Fix Font families were modified based on design specifications. by @Corvus400 in #369
- [iOS] explicit running thread when collecting coroutine flow by @RyuNen344 in #367
- Update dependency pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture to from: "0.40.1" by @renovate in #306
- [iOS] Preprare for contribute by @ry-itto in #330
- [iOS] fix lack of hours by @ry-itto in #377
- Add 1dp start padding and 1dp end padding to TimetableItem #368 by @ochim in #376
- apply timetable color when session is favorited by @RyuNen344 in #384
- Enable Kotlin Explicit API Mode (Warning) by @d1-morimoto in #370
- [iOS] Disallow header comments by @woxtu in #386
- Use formatting strings in session date by @att55 in #359
- Per app language settings enabled. by @Hamachi-geek in #375
- Move KaigiScaffold and KaigiTopAppBar to proper package by @Seo-4d696b75 in #352
- extract BottomAppBar from SessionDetailScreen() by @ym223 in #362
- Remove, unused import by @Pluu in #393
- Update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 6fcd282 by @renovate in #389
- Update dependency io.insert-koin:koin-core to v3.2.1 by @renovate in #394
- Use ProvideTextStyle in the title of KaigiTopAppBar by @tarumzu in #396
- [iOS] Use @mainactor instead of DispatchQueue.main by @ShotaKashihara in #390
- Remove unused imports by @tarumzu in #397
- Improve session list item accessibility by @yukilabo in #395
- [iOS]Remove unnecessary spacing by @takagisou in #399
- Fix contributors screen accessibility by @yukilabo in #398
- 🔧 Fix Allow speakers to display again. by @Corvus400 in #388
- Align SessionItem to the line by @ochim in #404
- [edge-to-edge] Draw content behind the navigation bar (partial) by @mori-atsushi in #414
- Remove searchContentHeight by @hiesiea in #401
- Update dependency pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture to from: "0.40.2" by @renovate in #412
- Unify all app bar colors by @att55 in #418
- show keyboard input by opening search screen #415 by @kawagh in #419
- Create new viewModel for search screen by @att55 in #421
- Introduce MokoResources for the project by @kittinunf in #387
- [iOS] Update dependency firebase/firebase-ios-sdk to from: "9.6.0" by @renovate in #425
- [iOS] fix: Incorrect navigation style in iPad (TimetableView) by @yamanetaisei in #426
- Fix the room colors for the timetable items by @woxtu in #435
- fix composeLint by @iwata-n in #420
- [suggestion] ♻️ Update Set a placeholder for the speaker's image. by @Corvus400 in #422
- Use round ripple to about icons by @iiinaiii in #431
- Call reportFullyDrawn by @tasugi in #443
- [Foundation] Add string for announcement and contributor by @kittinunf in #441
- Improve session detail screen accessibility by @yukilabo in #437
- Fixed Room tag colors in SessionDetails by @surajsau in #448
- [iOS] Add Timetable List UI by @touyou in #402
- [iOS] Add Online roomColor by @Take111 in #436
- [iOS] Distribute Beta iOS App with TestFlight external testers with XcodeCloud by @ry-itto in #329
- [Foundation] Migrate to StringResource for map, sessions and setting screen by @kittinunf in #450
- Enabled ProGuard/R8 code shrink for release builds by @kafumi in #449
- Update the pull request template by @woxtu in #452
- Delete needAuth check by @momomomo111 in #454
- Modify the real session on the JS side to make Zipline validatable by @kubode in #456
- Add code conduct page by @att55 in #417
- [iOS][feature/add-app-version_#427] Add app-version to AboutView by @coffmark in #457
- [iOS]style: add sorted_imports to .swiftlint.yml by @NakaokaRei in #444
- [iOS] Open official information link when push each image by @NakaokaRei in #451
- Refine preview test by @aqua-ix in #467
- [Foundation] Migrate to StringResource for Sponsor and Staff screen by @kittinunf in #462
- [edge-to-edge] Apply edge to edge into SessionsScreen by @mori-atsushi in #463
- Optimize README images by @tatsuyafujisaki in #466
- [iOS] Update README.md by @coffmark in #453
- Add preview test by @sobaya-0141 in #97
- Fix update-screenshot test build error by @aqua-ix in #474
- runs-on: macos-12 by @takahirom in #477
- Use runs-on: macos-12 by @takahirom in #478
- Remove resource when not mac by @takahirom in #481
- Change minute height by @takahirom in #471
- Remove an unnecessary padding in PermanentNavigationDrawer by @mori-atsushi in #468
- Update accompanist to v0.26.2-SNAPSHOT by @renovate in #475
- Revert "Update accompanist to v0.26.2-SNAPSHOT" by @takahirom in #484
- [Foundation] Migrate app-android to Moko-resources by @kittinunf in #482
- Add search word highlights by @kitakkun in #483
- Toggle favorite when click favorite on search screen by @geckour in #424
- Apply the IME WindowInsets to the SearchScreen content. by @usuiat in #460
- Show privacy policy from the about screen with web link by @misuzz in #489
- Translated into Simplified Chinese. by @Hamachi-geek in #416
- Apply edge to edge into contributors page by @chigichan24 in #461
- Fix CI error when fork by @takahirom in #499
- Use large text style for session title in session detail screen by @tomorrowkey in #498
- Removed useless content padding in SessionScreen by @CAIOS0922 in #500
- Log the zipline network request by @kubode in #490
- Update dependency com.google.gms:google-services to v4.3.14 by @renovate in #491
- added twitter compose rules with detekt by @kwmt in #464
- [iOS] Create contributors UI by @sudachi808 in #440
- Update Gradle validator by @takahirom in #504
- ♻️ Update Language tags are now displayed. by @Corvus400 in #446
- 🔧 Fix Icons, etc. are now displayed even for users who cannot obtain icons from sessionize. by @Corvus400 in #501
- update zh-CN strings.xml by @nthily in #503
- Update dependency com.twitter.compose.rules:detekt to v0.0.10 by @renovate in #506
- Activate ViewModelInjection rule and fix lint errors. by @nyafunta9858 in #525
- Pass TimetableItem instead of passing many parameters by @fumito-s in #509
- Suppress warnings in build.gradle.kts (DroidKaigi2022) by @tatsuyafujisaki in #502
- Update dependency com.twitter.compose.rules:detekt to v0.0.11 by @renovate in #527
- Add padding to session detail by @misuzz in #508
- [fix] Open session detail from search screen by @morayl in #530
- activate PreviewPublic rule of detekt. by @nyafunta9858 in #535
- Activate ContentEmitterReturningValues rule of detekt. by @tmk815 in #531
- Add a yml file for workflow_run trigger by @kwmt in #534
- Add KaigiTopAppBar Preview Composable funciton by @engabesi in #538
- ♻️ Update The speaker was made to appear as designed. by @Corvus400 in #537
- [iOS] Add vertical spacing between the timetable items by @woxtu in #528
- [iOS] Fix imports issues by @woxtu in #529
- [iOS] Fix AboutView content padding #382 by @onakama in #487
- [iOS] Shrink timetable day selection by @sudachi808 in #524
- Activate the ModifierComposable rule by @h6ah4i in #544
- Fix day tabs's font by @shxun6934 in #540
- Apply font to time and room on session list by @misuzz in #545
- Activate the ModifierMissing rule by @h6ah4i in #546
- [iOS] Open License Page from AboutView by @touyou in #479
- [iOS] Create Search by @ry-itto in #550
- Activate ModifierWithoutDefault twitter/compose-rules and fix by @yiwaisako in #553
- Fix ExplicitApi in core-data by @kumokumot in #554
- [iOS] Add horizontal padding to the app version label by @woxtu in #552
- [iOS]Added SessionDetail UI by @surajsau in #403
- Migrate project structure1: Migrate gradle structure by @takahirom in #569
- Migrate project structure2: Migrate file structure by @takahirom in #570
- Revert "Migrate project structure2: Migrate file structure" by @takahirom in #573
- Activate ComposableParamOrder twitter/compose-rules and fix by @shcahill in #548
- Active MultipleEmitters twitter/compose-rules by @moto2011 in #563
- Activate ComposableNaming twitter/compose-rules by @tatsuyafujisaki in #564
- Activate ViewModelForwarding twitter/compose-rules by @tatsuyafujisaki in #568
- Activate MutableParams twitter/compose-rules by @tatsuyafujisaki in #567
- Add concurrency to iOS CI Build by @takahirom in #579
- Revert "Migrate project structure1: Migrate gradle structure" by @takahirom in #580
- Revert "Revert "Migrate project structure1: Migrate gradle structure"" by @takahirom in #581
- Revert "Migrate project structure1: Migrate gradle structure" by @takahirom in #586
- Revert "Revert "Migrate project structure1: Migrate gradle structure"" by @takahirom in #590
- Use debug artifact to fix ios CI by @takahirom in #584
- Use release artifact to fix ios CI by @takahirom in #583
- Fix Zipline is not working as well by @kubode in #505
- 🔧 Fix Modified bot filtering conditions by @Corvus400 in #549
- Migrate project structure3: Use app-android for app module by @takahirom in #571
- Migrate project structure by @takahirom in #592
- Make a navigation drawer divider by group by @Kaito-Dogi in #542
- Update dependency com.twitter.compose.rules:detekt to v0.0.12 by @renovate in #574
- fix ios build failure by @sudachi808 in #593
- ♻️ Update Apply search item design by @Corvus400 in #599
- [iOS] Switch the timetable contents by @woxtu in #561
- Use explicitApi in core-model by @tarumzu in #603
- Implement to fetch data of sponsors by @ho2ri2s in #576
- Activate ModifierReused twitter/compose-rules by @tounyu in #575
- Remove an unnecessary workaround fixing the version of javapoet by @kubode in #610
- hide the software keyboard when the drawer menu starts expanding. by @nyafunta9858 in #587
- ♻️ Update Added display of text when message is not null. by @Corvus400 in #611
- [iOS] Add lint check on CI by @gibachan in #613
- [iOS] Add Caching support to network image by @fummicc1 in #609
- Apply search day header design by @shxun6934 in #612
- add KaigiTag preview function by @misuzz in #614
- Apply detekt designsystem by @higekick in #620
- [iOS] add SessionCancelView by @Tech-Nayuta in #615
- [iOS]Highlight searchText match part in TimetableListItemView by @HikaruSato in #624
- Using downloadable font instead of local font resource by @risako070310 in #621
- Implement message by the session by @mattukouta in #623
- Make Hours and Rooms scrollable. by @usuiat in #618
- ♻️ Update Apply search text field design by @Corvus400 in #626
- [iOS] Fix session is not opened when tapped define action and use them by @ry-itto in #633
- [iOS] Add empty search result by @NakaokaRei in #632
- ✨ Add Added API and other classes to retrieve notifications. by @Corvus400 in #631
- [iOS #430] Create StaffView by @coffmark in #543
- [iOS] Remove redundant import by @NakaokaRei in #634
- [iOS] Apply MapView design by @HikaruSato in #635
- [iOS] Fix SwiftLint warnings by @woxtu in #636
- [iOS] Apply Sponsor View Design by @sudachi808 in #630
- [iOS] Update Mokoresource to use with iOS by @kittinunf in #578
- Send comment PR for failed screenshot tests. by @eneim in #616
- [iOS] ignore .xcscheme files by @coffmark in #646
- Make the DroidKaigi app splash screen cool by @masah517 in #629
- Add padding to timetable item by @CookieySun in #628
- ✨ Add Implement announcement screen by @Corvus400 in #639
- [iOS] [README] Update README for iOS project by @kittinunf in #645
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-splashscreen to v1.0.0 by @renovate in #653
- Update compose to v1.3.0-beta03 by @renovate in #658
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #660
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.0.0-beta03 by @renovate in #661
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #659
- Update: limit text size in timetable by @warahiko in #641
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class to v1.0.0-beta03 by @renovate in #662
- Update dependency androidx.fragment:fragment to v1.5.3 by @renovate in #663
- Update dependency com.twitter.compose.rules:detekt to v0.0.13 by @renovate in #664
- Update dependency com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs to v2 by @renovate in #507
- [iOS] Remove a duplicated custom view by @woxtu in #652
- [Android] Search filters by @surajsau in #642
- Update androidGradlePlugin to v7.4.0-beta01 by @renovate in #637
- Add MacroBenchmark Module for check the launch performance by @hiraok in #638
- Apply sponsors list screen design by @ho2ri2s in #644
- Fix stickyHeader of AnnouncementContentList by @HikaruSato in #655
- Update dependency androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4 to v1.2.0-alpha04 by @renovate in #669
- [iOS] Open map url from AboutPage by @betat in #667
- [iOS] Make rounded corners smooth by @woxtu in #672
- Implement the floor map screen by @kubode in #617
- [iOS] Retire Strings and finish the migration by @kittinunf in #651
- Improved clear input button touch target size by @NUmeroAndDev in #685
- Improved sessions TopAppBar accessibility by @NUmeroAndDev in #686
- Activate RememberMissing rule for detekt by @maxfie1d in #689
- [iOS] Fix iOS CD failed with shell script error/review measures by @ry-itto in #682
- [iOS] Expand upper tab animation to be smooth by @sudachi808 in #684
- [iOS] Apply floor map image by @betat in #693
- [iOS] fix SwiftLint warnings by @betat in #694
- Implement in-app language picker by @nashcft in #619
- Update dagger to v2.44 by @renovate in #665
- [iOS] Fix layout constraint warnings in the map view by @woxtu in #696
- [iOS] Open PrivacyPolicy URL Link from AboutView by @onakama in #591
- remove filter that is used to extract bot by @RyuNen344 in #657
- [iOS] Add animation on timetable sheet and timetable list by @sohichiro in #701
- [iOS] Implement Announcement Feature by @fummicc1 in #681
- ✨ Add Added processing when data acquisition fails on the notification screen. by @Corvus400 in #668
- Close bottom sheet when click search text field by @nanaten in #680
- Improve session list item accessibility by @NUmeroAndDev in #687
- add: Github Actions: Delete old branch saving screenshots by @higekick in #683
- Update dependency com.twitter.compose.rules:detekt to v0.0.14 by @renovate in #703
- Open floor map from session detail ▲ by @takathemax in #699
- Apply edge to edge into sponsors page by @YagiRyu in #692
- Apply correct floor map image by @kubode in #695
- ♻️ Update Improved search date and category selection on the search screen by @Corvus400 in #698
- Refactor announcement by @takahirom in #702
- Fixed up the appearance of README.md by @att55 in #705
- [iOS] Apply SearchView Cell design by @yamanetaisei in #654
- Add license screen by @yuuhanasaki39 in #697
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #714
- Update dependency io.insert-koin:koin-core to v3.2.2 by @renovate in #713
- Use map icon instead of ▲ in session detail. by @hiwa0 in #715
- 🔧 Fix Modified the date filter in the session search screen. by @Corvus400 in #716
- [iOS] Connect Staff View with API by @ry-itto in #704
- Apply fab icon size in session detail. by @hiwa0 in #717
- Introduce error handring to sessions by @takahirom in #718
- ♻️ Update Added behavior when a URL is included in a notification item. by @Corvus400 in #719
- Separate CI workflow to post preview test comment by @takahirom in #723
- remove elevation from fab on session detail by @ked4ma in #725
- [iOS] Fix some for release by @ry-itto in #726
- Fix announcement language by @takahirom in #722
- Introduce crashlytics by @takahirom in #731
- [iOS] Remove iOS15 support by @ry-itto in #700
- Applied edge to edge to search screen by @takathemax in #712
- select multi days on session search filter by @ked4ma in #730
- [iOS] Update the map icon image by @woxtu in #733
- Update version code by @takahirom in #746
- Add release settings by @takahirom in #748
- Pinch and zoom for floor map by @att55 in #740
New Contributors
- @sobaya-0141 made their first contribution in #81
- @kokoakuma made their first contribution in #89
- @cOnigashima made their first contribution in #102
- @yurihondo made their first contribution in #117
- @kouki4416 made their first contribution in #118
- @obaya884 made their first contribution in #122
- @mitohato14 made their first contribution in #139
- @t-yusaku made their first contribution in #151
- @jisungbin made their first contribution in #194
- @okuzawats made their first contribution in #196
- @tshion made their first contribution in #197
- @nthily made their first contribution in #198
- @Pluu made their first contribution in #199
- @ogapants made their first contribution in #200
- @84d010m08 made their first contribution in #204
- @ttanaka330 made their first contribution in #203
- @kafumi made their first contribution in #201
- @adakoda made their first contribution in #206
- @toastmeister1 made their first contribution in #210
- @l2hyunwoo made their first contribution in #212
- @kota-shiokara made their first contribution in #211
- @r4wxii made their first contribution in #221
- @blackbracken made their first contribution in #228
- @minibugdev made their first contribution in #235
- @yoshida0261 made their first contribution in #242
- @KoutaMatsushita made their first contribution in #239
- @knyackiko made their first contribution in #255
- @surajsau made their first contribution in #263
- @yamacraft made their first contribution in #265
- @ikemura23 made their first contribution in #267
- @maxfie1d made their first contribution in #280
- @imgbot made their first contribution in #283
- @ao0000 made their first contribution in #272
- @fumito-s made their first contribution in #277
- @wildstarzw made their first contribution in #282
- @sadashi-ota made their first contribution in #281
- @MasahiroLittleforest made their first contribution in #288
- @yuheikawakami made their first contribution in #291
- @hiraike32 made their first contribution in #289
- @marshi made their first contribution in #294
- @umsys made their first contribution in #308
- @tnj made their first contribution in #307
- @mtkw0127 made their first contribution in #278
- @SSong-develop made their first contribution in #302
- @fornewid made their first contribution in #286
- @JAICHANGPARK made their first contribution in #316
- @horie1024 made their first contribution in #332
- @Hamachi-geek made their first contribution in #321
- @furusin made their first contribution in #319
- @anzuchitakuro made their first contribution in #340
- @sudachi808 made their first contribution in #318
- @iwata-n made their first contribution in #341
- @rmakiyama made their first contribution in #351
- @att55 made their first contribution in #356
- @mikanIchinose made their first contribution in #358
- @yukilabo made their first contribution in #360
- @myoshita made their first contribution in #366
- @kako351 made their first contribution in #357
- @t-nonomura made their first contribution in #331
- @ho2ri2s made their first contribution in #371
- @ochim made their first contribution in #376
- @d1-morimoto made their first contribution in #370
- @Seo-4d696b75 made their first contribution in #352
- @ym223 made their first contribution in #362
- @tarumzu made their first contribution in #396
- @ShotaKashihara made their first contribution in #390
- @takagisou made their first contribution in #399
- @mori-atsushi made their first contribution in #414
- @hiesiea made their first contribution in #401
- @kawagh made their first contribution in #419
- @yamanetaisei made their first contribution in #426
- @tasugi made their first contribution in #443
- @touyou made their first contribution in #402
- @Take111 made their first contribution in #436
- @momomomo111 made their first contribution in #454
- @kubode made their first contribution in #456
- @aqua-ix made their first contribution in #467
- @tatsuyafujisaki made their first contribution in #466
- @kitakkun made their first contribution in #483
- @geckour made their first contribution in #424
- @usuiat made their first contribution in #460
- @misuzz made their first contribution in #489
- @chigichan24 made their first contribution in #461
- @tomorrowkey made their first contribution in #498
- @CAIOS0922 made their first contribution in #500
- @kwmt made their first contribution in #464
- @morayl made their first contribution in #530
- @tmk815 made their first contribution in #531
- @engabesi made their first contribution in #538
- @onakama made their first contribution in #487
- @h6ah4i made their first contribution in #544
- @shxun6934 made their first contribution in #540
- @yiwaisako made their first contribution in #553
- @kumokumot made their first contribution in #554
- @shcahill made their first contribution in #548
- @moto2011 made their first contribution in #563
- @Kaito-Dogi made their first contribution in #542
- @tounyu made their first contribution in #575
- @gibachan made their first contribution in #613
- @fummicc1 made their first contribution in #609
- @Tech-Nayuta made their first contribution in #615
- @risako070310 made their first contribution in #621
- @mattukouta made their first contribution in #623
- @masah517 made their first contribution in #629
- @warahiko made their first contribution in #641
- @hiraok made their first contribution in #638
- @betat made their first contribution in #667
- @sohichiro made their first contribution in #701
- @nanaten made their first contribution in #680
- @takathemax made their first contribution in #699
- @YagiRyu made their first contribution in #692
- @yuuhanasaki39 made their first contribution in #697
- @hiwa0 made their first contribution in #715
- @ked4ma made their first contribution in #725
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DroidKaigi/conference-app-2022/commits/release-android-002