Appvilla is a multi-page landing website with some cool features like animation on scroll, carousel, accordion etc. It is made with pure Html, CSS and JavaScript. It is also responsive and multi-browser compatible.
Appvilla is a multi-page landing website with some cool features like animation on scroll, carousel, accordion etc. It is made with pure Html, CSS and JavaScript. It is also responsive and multi-browser compatible.
- Live Site URL:
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- JavaScript
- Mobile-first workflow
Add blog page.✔
Add contact page.✔
Add preloader.✔
- Uideck - The theme is copied from Uideck.
- stackOverFlow
- Frontend Mentor - @Drougnov
- Facebook - Biplob Barua Rocky
- Twitter - @itz_rocky_barua
If you have any suggestions following this project or anything else, please let me know. Have a good day :)
The first uploaded Appvilla repository had a git issue of 'git:fatal:cannot resolve HEAD'. This is the copy paste of that repository