Our project is a service that assists in the management of various pharmaceuticals within households and helps properly dispose of expired medications.
We provide guidelines for managing the inventory and expiration dates of over-the-counter and prescription medicines, as well as instructions on how to dispose of waste pharmaceuticals according to prescribed methods.
By utilizing this service, we aim to address various issues caused by improper disposal methods and, ultimately, reduce unnecessary consumption of pharmaceuticals to promote the well-being and health of individuals and the environment.
- Gradle
- Spring Boot 2.7.5
- Spring Data JPA, Spring Security
- AWS : EC2, RDS, S3
- Docker-compose
- MySQL, Redis
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Docker CI/CD
- 구글 로그인, 비밀번호 로그인/회원가입
- FCM 푸시알림
- Drugbox, drug CRUD API
- 폐의약품 수거함 위치정보 조회 (공공테이터포털 API)
- 약 이름 검색하기 (공공테이터포털 API)
- 내 주변 약국, 편의점 정보 조회 (Google Places API)
- 위치 검색하기, 위치 세부 정보 가져오기 (Google Places API)