An autoinstaller/bootstrapper for ubuntu jammy
run the command
- A setup for bashconfig with smaller files in .config
- Installation of DOS/V fonts and Xresources to load it
- Simplified abstraction for adding packages in snap,flatpak,apt
- Programming
- podman
- buildah
- virt-manager + qemu(multiarch) - Virtualization
- git
- gcc/clang - C toolchains
- Go (Custom)
- Rust (Custom)
- Node (Custom)
- inform6 toolchain - Text adventure programming
- clangd - C language server
- Ada
- Bash language server (Custom)
- shellcheck Bash Language server
- nasm - disasm
- AWS CLI (Custom)
- Terraform (Custom)
- System Utilities
- helix-editor - Editor
- Howdy
- sshd - SSH server
- xclip - Copy paste utility
- mupdf - PDF Reader(also custom build script)
- curl - CLI downloading
- unzip - Unzipper
- keepassxc - Password manager
- Chromium
- tree
- Multimedia
- Tidal (Custom)
- mpv - Media player
- ffmpeg - mupdf
- Games
- PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator (flatpak)
- Steam - Game shop/hub (flatpak)
- Dosbox-X - DOS virtual env (flatpak)
- Discord (snap)
- Lutris (Custom)