v3.0.4 - Bug Fixes, New Features, Wiki Updated
New Features
Sound Board Plugin
- Added !sbloop command which functions identically to the !sb command except the audio files loop until stopped.
!sbloop 'sound_clip': Plays a locally saved wav file, but endlessly loops until it is stopped.
Youtube Plugin
- Added !loop command which toggles the youtube plugin queue's loop mode. If enabled, songs will loop endlessly unless skipped/stopped.
!loop: Toggles the loop mode for the youtube plugin.
- The wiki has been updated to v3.0+
All Updates
- The !help command now displays the plugin name on the help screen.
- Updated sound board to use 1024 byte buffers (up from 480).
- Added new alias: !saferestart for the command !safereboot.
- Added new metadata tags to allow the sound_board vlc instance to run with 'quiet mode' enabled or disabled.
- Added new metadata tags to allow the youtube vlc instance to run with 'quiet mode' enabled or disabled.
- Fixed Help data not updating in the database, when the html files are updated.
- Updated all version numbers for plugins.
- Updated bot version in metadata for 3.0.4 release.
- Added missing !help command to privileges, metadata, and help html file.
- Fixed issue where alias.csv files were missing for plugins.
- Updated 'about' text in the config_template.
- Removed unused reference to !botstatus command in help html file.
- Updated the plugin template for custom third party plugin developers to be in line with v3.0+.
- The wiki has been updated for v3.0+.