The Melson Blu Ray Tracking System is an app that was developed by the team that brought you Swoly. This team is known as Durian Inc. Durian is a group of college lads who are interested in many things from app development to hackathons.
This application is avalible on the following platforms:
- Android
- iOS
The application has one simple goal. That goal is to make the user's life as easy as possible while still providing them something beautiful to navigate around. This is accomplished with a color scheme that was picked out using the Material Design Color Tool and incorporating other material design components such as Cards and Floating Action Buttons
When first launching the application the user is presented with the movies tab.
From the movies tab there are many operations that the user can perform:
- View information on movies currently in the database.
- Title
- Year
- Director
- Stars
- Song
- Search for a particular movie using the search field.
- Add a movie and all of its relevant data to the database.
- Movie information
- Stars, director, and writer
- Awards
- Song featured in the movie
- Delete a movie from the database.
Swiping right-to-left on movie tab will cause the application to transition to the next tab.
The People tab has a bit fewer features compared to the Movies tab but still has beautiful aesthetics. The functionaly that is available to the user on this tab includes:
- Viewing information on the people who are currently in the database.
- Name
- Movies they directed
- Movies where they were a star
- Movies they wrote
- Number of awards where they received a nomination
- Number of awards they won
- Searching for a person by using the search field
- Clicking on any of the people will bring a dialog that will show more information about the person.
- Gender
- Awards