dcc compiles C programs using clang and adds explanations suitable for novice programmers to compiler messages novice programmers are likely to encounter and not understand.
For example:
$ dcc a.c
a.c:3:15: warning: address of stack memory associated with local variable 'counter' returned [-Wreturn-stack-address]
return &counter;
dcc explanation: you are trying to return a pointer to the local variable 'counter'.
You can not do this because counter will not exist after the function returns.
See more information here: https://comp1511unsw.github.io/dcc/stack_use_after_return.html
dcc adds code to the binary which detects run-time errors and prints information likely to be helpful to novice programmers, including printing values of variable in lines used near where the run-time error occurred.
For example:
$ dcc buffer_overflow.c
$ ./a.out
a.c:6:3: runtime error: index 10 out of bounds for type 'int [10]'
Execution stopped here in main() in buffer_overflow.c at line 6:
int a[10];
for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
--> a[i] = i * i;
Values when execution stopped:
a = {0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81}
i = 10
dcc also embeds code to detect use of uninitialized variables and print a message a novice programmer can hopefully understand. For example:
$ dcc uninitialized.c
$ ./a.out
uninitialized.c:6 runtime error uninitialized variable used
Execution stopped here in main() in uninitialized.c at line 6:
int a[1000];
a[42] = 42;
--> if (a[argc]) {
a[43] = 43;
Values when execution stopped:
argc = 1
a[42] = 42
a[43] = <uninitialized value>
a[argc] = <uninitialized value>
Uninitialized variables are detected by running valgrind simultaneously as a separate process.
The synchronisation of the 2 processes is only effective for the standard C library (signal.h and threads.h excepted). which should include almost all typical programs writen by novice programmers. f synchronisation is lost the 2nd process should terminate silently.
If libraries other the standard C library are used, uninitialized variables does not occur.
dcc can also embed code to check for memory-leaks:
$ dcc --leak-check leak.c
$ ./a.out
Error: free not called for memory allocated with malloc in function main in leak.c at line 3.
dcc can check a program's output is correct. If a program outputs an incorrect line, the program is stopped. A description of why the output is incorrect is printed. The current execution location is shown with the current values of variables & expressions.
The environment variable DCC_EXPECTED_STDOUT should be set to the expected output.
is true, case is ignored when checking expected output. Default false.
is true, white space is ignored when checking expected output. Default false.
is true, trailing white space is ignored when checking expected output. Default true.
is true, empty lines are ignored when checking expected output. Default false.
is set to a non-empty string, the characters not in the string are ignored when checking expected output. New-lines can not be ignored.
is set to a non-empty string, the characters in the string are ignored when checking expected output. New-lines can not be ignored.
take precedence over DCC_COMPARE_ONLY_CHARACTERS
Environment variables are considered true if their value is a non-empty string starting with a character other than '0', 'f' or 'F'. They are considered false otherwise.
$ dcc --use-after-return bad_function.c
$ ./a.out
bad_function.c:22 runtime error - stack use after return
dcc explanation: You have used a pointer to a local variable that no longer exists.
When a function returns its local variables are destroyed.
For more information see: https://comp1511unsw.github.io/dcc//stack_use_after_return.html
Execution stopped here in main() in bad_function at line 22:
int *a = f(42);
--> printf("%d\n", a[0]);
valgrind also usually detect this type of error, e.g.:
$ dcc --use_after_return bad_function.c
$ ./a.out
Runtime error: access to function variables after function has returned
You have used a pointer to a local variable that no longer exists.
When a function returns its local variables are destroyed.
For more information see: https://comp1511unsw.github.io/dcc//stack_use_after_return.html'
Execution stopped here in main() in tests/run_time/bad_function.c at line 22:
int main(void) {
--> printf("%d\n", *f(50));
Installation on Linux and Windows Subsystem for Linux
curl -L https://github.com/COMP1511UNSW/dcc/releases/download/2.7.5/dcc_2.7.5_all.deb -o /tmp/dcc_2.7.5_all.deb sudo apt install /tmp/dcc_2.7.5_all.deb # on WSL (not Linux) this might be necessary to run programs sudo bash -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope;echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory"
Ubuntu UndefinedSanitizer builds appears not to allow __ubsan_on_report to be intercepted which degrades some error reporting
Installation on OSX
Install python3 - see https://docs.python-guide.org/starting/install3/osx/ Install gdb - see https://sourceware.org/gdb/wiki/PermissionsDarwin
sudo curl -L https://github.com/COMP1511UNSW/dcc/releases/download/2.7.5/dcc -o /usr/local/bin/dcc sudo chmod o+rx /usr/local/bin/dcc
dcc by default enables clang's AddressSanitizer (
) and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (-fsanitize=undefined
) extensions. -
dcc embeds in the binary produced a xz-compressed tar file (see [compile.py]) containing the C source files for the program and some Python code which is executed if a runtime error occurs.
Sanitizer errors are intercepted by a shim for the function
in [dcc_util.c]. -
A set of signals produced by runtime errors are trapped by
in [dcc_util.c]. -
Both functions call
in [dcc_util.c] which creates a temporary directory, extracts into it the program source and Python from the embedded tar file, and executes the Python code, which:-
runs the Python ([start_gdb.py]) to print an error message that a novice programmer will understand, then
starts gdb, and uses it to print current values of variables used in source lines near where the error occurred.
Linux initializes stack pages to zero. As a consequence novice programmers writing small programs with few function calls are likely to find zero in uninitialized local variables. This often results in apparently correct behaviour from a invalid program with uninitialized local variables.
dcc embeds code in the binary which initializes the first few megabytes of the stack to 0xbe (see clear-stack
in [dcc_util.c].
For valgrind dcc uses its malloc-fill and --free-fill options to achieve the same result see [dcc_util.c]. AddressSanitizer & MemorySanitizer use a malloc which does this by default.
When printing variable values, dcc prints ints, doubles & pointers consisting of 0xbe bytes as "".
Indirection using pointers consisting of 0xbe bytes will produced an unaligned access error from UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer, unless the pointer is to char. dcc intercepts these and explanations suitable for novice programmers (see explain_ubsan_error in [drive_gdb.py])
$ dcc dereference_uninitialized.c
$ ./a.out
tests/run_time/dereference_uninitialized_with_arrow.c:9:14: runtime error - accessing a field via an uninitialized pointer
dcc explanation: You are using a pointer which has not been initialized
A common error is using p->field without first assigning a value to p.
Execution stopped here in main() in dereference_uninitialized.c at line 9:
int main(void) {
struct list_node *a = malloc(sizeof *a);
--> a->next->data = 42;
Values when execution stopped:
a->next = <uninitialized value>
$ git clone https://github.com/COMP1511UNSW/dcc
$ cd dcc
$ make
$ cp -p ./dcc /usr/local/bin/dcc
$ ./create_github_release.py 1.0 'Initial github release of dcc'
clang, python3, gdb, valgrind
Andrew Taylor ([email protected])
Except help_cs50.py is almost entirely from https://github.com/cs50/help50-server/blob/master/helpers/clang.py