Extra goodies for GEF
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This is an open repository of external scripts and structures to be used by GDB Enhanced Features (GEF). To use those scripts once gef
is setup, simply clone this repository and update your GEF settings like this:
$ wget -q -O- https://github.com/hugsy/gef/raw/master/scripts/gef-extras.sh | sh
Start with cloning this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/hugsy/gef-extras
Add the path to the external scripts to GEF's config:
gef➤ gef config gef.extra_plugins_dir /path/to/gef-extras/scripts
And same for the structures (to be used by pcustom
gef➤ gef config pcustom.struct_path /path/to/gef-extras/structs
And for the syscall tables:
gef➤ gef config syscall-args.path /path/to/gef-extras/syscall-tables
And finally for the glibc function call args definition:
gef➤ gef config context.libc_args True
gef➤ gef config context.libc_args_path /path/to/gef-extras/glibc-function-args
Check out the complete doc on libc argument support.
Now run and enjoy all the fun!
Note that it is possible to specify multiple directories, separating the paths with a semi-colon:
gef➤ gef config gef.extra_plugins_dir /path/to/dir1;/path/to/dir2
And don't forget to save your settings.
gef➤ gef save
Good for you! This repository is open to anyone, no filtering is done! Simply drop a PR with the command you want to share 😄 And useful scripts will eventually be integrated directly to GEF.
Check out GEF API page to start writing powerful GDB commands using GEF!
Well, that's ok! Just create an Issue explaining what cool feature/idea/command you had in mind! Even better, write the documentation (Markdown format) for your command. It'll make easier for people who wants to integrate it!