"Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program."
Linus Torvalds
Associate Software Engineer at RVO Health mainly working on backend/infrastructure solutions. While my job eats up most of my time, I try to continue to code as a hobby. Along those line, I try to teach and mentor at my alma mater, the University of North Carolina @ Charlotte, so I can help those not fall into the same pitfall I did (as well as show them why software engineering is awesome)!
While it's hard to fine time to work on new projects while working a 9-5, here are a few of the highlights I'm working on with my free time:
- Check out Class Connect a TA/teaching manegement solution for UNC Charlotte.
- Check out SyncSpace our project management solution!
- Check out my personal portfolio site for info on my other projects!
Here are most of the tools I used in some way or another. While I wouldn't say I'm a master at any of these I try to understand them well enough I know what works best for what project