First, let's initialize the backend. The command bellow will install the dependancies of the Express backend. Change also the values in the .env file
cd backend
cp env-example .env
npm install
Once the back is initialized, we need to initialize the front end
cd ../frontend
npm install
This should initialize the project and you need to do it just once after you have cloned the folder.
If you have error while installing the dependancies, update your node version to 14+
Start the API :
cd backend
npm start
If you read "Mongo connection success" then everything is fine and the API is ready to use on "http://localhost:3000"
Start the client :
cd frontend
npm run serve
This should build the project and give you the URL where you can reach the client. By default, it should be "http://localhost:8080"
An additional documentation has been done in backend folder to test the endpoints.