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EMBWEW now produces reasonable output
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needs to be validated against other simnulations
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marcdegraef committed Feb 20, 2024
1 parent d2a2bbf commit 07ba0c1
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 26 deletions.
124 changes: 98 additions & 26 deletions Source/EMsoftOOLib/program_mods/mod_BWEW.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -788,15 +788,15 @@ subroutine BWEW_(self, EMsoft, progname, HDFnames)
type(kvectors_T) :: kvec
type(symdata2D) :: TDPG
type(HDF_T) :: HDF
type(reflisttype),pointer :: reflist, rltmpa
type(reflisttype),pointer :: reflist, rltmpa, rl, firstw

real(kind=sgl) :: laL,kt,z0,thc,thb,hkl(3),ind(3),fn(3),thick,pixpos(3),mi, ma, &
real(kind=sgl) :: laL,kt,z0,thc,thb,hkl(3),ind(3),fn(3),thick,mi, ma, galen, &
dom,glen,c(3),RR,gx(3),gy(3),gg(3),kstar(3),gad(3),gbd(3),frac,gal,gbl, &
gmax,gamax,gbmax,gadl,gbdl, io_real(3), dmin, DynWV(3), lambda, Upz, xgpz
real(kind=dbl) :: arg,th,maxsamint,dummy(3)
real(kind=dbl) :: arg,th,maxsamint,dummy(3),pixpos(3)
integer(kind=irg) :: g(3),ira,dpcnt,ppi,ijmax,ga(3),gb(3),k(3),fcnt,ccnt,count, &
newcount,count_rate,count_max,nn,i,j,ig,ih,isym,ir,iorder,nt, &
npix,npiy,istat,numt,ip,jp,ik,numk,mins, io_int(2)
npix,npiy,istat,numt,ip,jp,ik,numk,mins, io_int(6), dgn, nns, nnw, pgnum
character(1) :: ans
character(2) :: srza
character(20) :: fname
Expand All @@ -807,10 +807,11 @@ subroutine BWEW_(self, EMsoft, progname, HDFnames)
character(fnlen) :: TIFF_filename

integer(kind=irg),allocatable :: IPIV(:)
complex(kind=dbl),allocatable :: CGinv(:,:), Minp(:,:),diag(:),amp(:,:),pw(:), W(:), CG(:,:), alpha(:)
complex(kind=dbl),allocatable :: CGinv(:,:), Minp(:,:),diag(:),amp(:,:),pw(:), W(:), CG(:,:), alpha(:), DynMat(:,:)
complex(kind=dbl) :: czero = cmplx(0.0,0.0,dbl)
complex(kind=sgl),allocatable :: ew(:,:,:)
real(kind=sgl),allocatable :: inten(:,:)
real(kind=dbl),allocatable :: kg(:,:)

! declare variables for use in object oriented image module
integer :: iostat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -851,30 +852,45 @@ subroutine BWEW_(self, EMsoft, progname, HDFnames)
call Diff%setrlpmethod('WK')
! foil normal is assumed to be parallel to k
Diff%Dyn%FN = dble(k)
dmin = 0.01D0
dmin = 0.005D0
call Diff%setV(dble(enl%voltage))
! initialize the HOLZ geometry type
HOLZ%maxHOLZ = 2
! initialize the gvectors list
gvec = gvectors_T()

! get the crystal structure data and initialize the LUTs under the assumption of
! a single zone axis and consequently a set of HOLZ layers
call Initialize_Cell_HOLZ(cell, Diff, SG, HOLZ, HOLZdata, gvec, TDPG, EMsoft, &
dmin, k, ga, gb, verbose, useHDF=HDF)
! get the crystal structure data and initialize the LUTs
call Initialize_Cell(cell, Diff, SG, Dyn, EMsoft, dmin, verbose, useHDF=HDF)

! force dynamical matrix routine to read new Bethe parameters from file
call Diff%SetBetheParameters(EMsoft,silent=.TRUE.)
! determine the point group number
do i=1,32
if (SGPG(i).le.SG%getSpaceGroupNumber()) j=i
end do
isym = j

write (*,*) Diff%getBetheParameter('c1')
write (*,*) Diff%getBetheParameter('c2')
write (*,*) Diff%getBetheParameter('c3')
! use the new routine to get the whole pattern 2D symmetry group, since that
! is the one that determines the independent beam directions.
dgn = SG%GetPatternSymmetry(enl%k,j,.TRUE.)
pgnum = j
isym = WPPG(dgn)

! force dynamical matrix routine to read new Bethe parameters from file
call Diff%SetBetheParameters(EMsoft)
call Diff%setDynNbeamsLinked( gvec%get_nref() )

lambda = Diff%getWaveLength()

!determine the shortest reciprocal lattice points for this zone
call cell%ShortestG(SG,enl%k,ga,gb,isym)
call Message%WriteValue(' Reciprocal lattice vectors : ', io_int, 6,"('(',3I3,') and (',3I3,')')")
call Message%printMessage(' (the first lattice vector is horizontal in the CBED pattern)')
call Message%printMessage(' ')
galen = cell%CalcLength(float(ga), 'r')

! normal aborption factor
call Diff%CalcUcg(cell, (/ 0, 0, 0 /))
rlp = Diff%getrlp()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -920,28 +936,55 @@ subroutine BWEW_(self, EMsoft, progname, HDFnames)
call cell%NormVec(kstar,'r') ! normalize reciprocal beam vector
DynWV = kstar/lambda ! divide by wavelength and assign

! generate the dynamical matrix for Bloch wave computations (only one single wave vector !)
! we are in zone axis here so there is no tangential component...
call gvec%GetDynMatHOLZ(cell, Diff, HOLZ, HOLZdata, EMsoft, 'BLOCHBETHE', dble(DynWV), dummy, .FALSE. )
gvec = gvectors_T()
FN = enl%k
write (*,*) ' Incident wave vector/foil normal : ', DynWV, FN
call gvec%Initialize_ReflectionList(cell, SG, Diff, FN, DynWV, dmin, verbose=.TRUE.)

! go through the reflist and reset all strong and weak links to null pointers and .FALSE. identifiers;
! at the same time, compute the excitation errors for this incident beam direction kk
rl => gvec%Get_ListHead()
rl => rl%next
if (.not.associated(rl)) EXIT
nullify(rl%nexts, rl%nextw)
rl%strong = .FALSE.
rl%weak = .FALSE.
rl%sg = Diff%Calcsg(cell,float(rl%hkl(1:3)),DynWV,FN)
rl => rl%next
end do

! determine strong and weak reflections
nns = 0
nnw = 0
call gvec%Apply_BethePotentials(Diff, firstw, nns, nnw)
io_int(1:2) = (/ nns, nnw /)
call Message%WriteValue(' Total # strong/weak reflections after Bethe potentials : ',io_int,2)

! generate the dynamical matrix
nn = nns
call mem%alloc(DynMat, (/ nn, nn /), 'DynMat', initval=czero)
call gvec%GetDynMat(cell, Diff, firstw, DynMat, nn, nnw)

! allocate various arrays
mem = memory_T()
nn = Diff%getDynNbeams()
write (*,*) ' number of beams : ', nn

call mem%alloc(Minp, (/ nn, nn /), 'Minp', initval=czero)
call mem%alloc(W, (/ nn /), 'W', initval = czero)
call mem%alloc(CG, (/ nn, nn /), 'CG', initval = czero)
call mem%alloc(alpha, (/ nn /), 'alpha', initval = czero)
call mem%alloc(CGinv, (/ nn, nn /), 'CGinv', initval=czero)
call mem%alloc(Minp, (/ nn, nn /), 'Minp', initval=czero)
call mem%alloc(diag, (/ nn /), 'diag', initval = czero)
call mem%alloc(IPIV, (/ nn /), 'IPIV', initval = 0)
call mem%alloc(amp, (/ numt, nn /), 'amp', initval = czero)
call mem%alloc(pw, (/ nn /), 'pw', initval = czero)
call mem%alloc(ew, (/ numt, npix, npiy /), 'ew', initval = cmplx(0.0,0.0))

! solve the eigenvalue problem
Minp = Diff%Dyn%DynMat
Minp = DynMat
call Diff%BWsolve(Minp, W, CG, CGinv, nn, IPIV)
call Message%printMessage(' Eigenvalues/vectors computed, beginning exit wave computation')

Expand All @@ -963,16 +1006,40 @@ subroutine BWEW_(self, EMsoft, progname, HDFnames)
frac = 0.05
numk = npix*npiy

! precompute the list of k0+g vectors for the plane waves
call cell%TransSpace(float(enl%k),DynWV,'d','c')
call cell%NormVec(DynWV,'c')
DynWV = DynWV/lambda
call cell%TransSpace(DynWV, DynWV, 'c', 'r')
write (*,*) 'incident wave in reciprocal space reference frame : ', DynWV, 1.0/lambda

call mem%alloc(kg, (/ 3, nn /), 'kg', initval=0.D0)
reflist => gvec%get_ListHead()
rltmpa => reflist%next
do i=1,nn
gg = dble(rltmpa%hkl)
! glen = cell%CalcLength(gg,'r')
! call cell%NormVec(gg,'r')
! kg(1:3,i) = DynWV + gg * glen
kg(1:3,i) = dble(DynWV) + gg
rltmpa => rltmpa%nexts
end do

gad = gad/float(npix)
gbd = gbd/float(npiy)
reflist => gvec%get_ListHead()
do ip=1,npix
do jp=1,npiy
pixpos = float(ip-1)*gad/float(npix) + float(jp-1)*gbd/float(npiy)
pixpos = dble(ip-1)*gad + dble(jp-1)*gbd
! precompute the plane waves for this location
rltmpa => reflist%next
! rltmpa => reflist%next
do i=1,nn
arg = 2.0*cPi*dot_product(DynWV+dble(rltmpa%hkl),pixpos)
! arg = 2.0*cPi*dot_product(DynWV+dble(rltmpa%hkl),pixpos)
arg = 2.0*cPi*sum(kg(1:3,i)*pixpos(1:3))
pw(i) = cmplx(cos(arg),sin(arg),dbl)
rltmpa => rltmpa%next
! rltmpa => rltmpa%nexts
end do
! loop over all thicknesses
do i=1,enl%numthick
Expand All @@ -987,6 +1054,8 @@ subroutine BWEW_(self, EMsoft, progname, HDFnames)
end if
end do
end do
write (*,*) ' Range ew ', minval(abs(ew)**2), maxval(abs(ew)**2)

! get rid of useless variables
call mem%dealloc(W, 'W')
call mem%dealloc(CG, 'CG')
Expand All @@ -997,15 +1066,18 @@ subroutine BWEW_(self, EMsoft, progname, HDFnames)
call mem%dealloc(IPIV, 'IPIV')
call mem%dealloc(amp, 'amp')
call mem%dealloc(pw, 'pw')
call mem%dealloc(kg, 'kg')

! and store the exit wave functions for all thicknesses in and HDF5 file;
! and store the exit wave functions for all thicknesses in an HDF5 file;
! also save the intensities as tiff files...
call mem%alloc(inten, (/ npix, npiy /), 'inten')
do i=1,numt
inten = abs(ew(i,:,:))**2
mi = minval(inten)
ma = maxval(inten)

write (*,*) mi, ma

TIFF_image = nint(255.0*(inten-mi)/(ma-mi))

! set up the image_t structure
Expand Down

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