This repo was cloned from :
URDF model for Gazebo integrated with ROS
This repository includes :
- base - create simple URDF model
- base_sensors - add sensors to robot
- navigation - enable autonomous navigation (now updated for ROS Melodic Morenia)
For more information on running the code:
You way also want to check out these video tutorials :
In the following we describe our contribution :
- Add a 'relaxed_astar' package that implements Relaxed A* algorithm, to replace the default base navigation algo.
- Use of an empty map instead of a pre-computed one.
To launch a typical simulation scenario, type in different consoles the following command lines :
- Gazebo :
$ roslaunch mybot_gazebo mybot_world.launch
- Navigation
$ roslaunch mybot_navigation amcl_demo.launch
Note that if you want to manually drive the robot around, the previous command can be replaced by :
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
If this command doesn't work, make sure to install the 'teleop_twist_keyboard' package with :
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-teleop-twist-keyboard
- Rviz visualization tool :
$ roslaunch mybot_description mybot_rviz_amcl.launch
Make sure to copy input_p2.pgm that you can find at the root of this directory (same place as src, build, devel ...) and put it at /home/{username}/.ros/
Indeed, the current mybot_navigation path planning implementation expects finding this file at the indicated location.