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Meeting Notes 2023 Science
- Ulises Marconato, visiting Danica at CSU
- Able to run with latest tag on Derecho
- Sparse grid PE layout working on Derecho
- CESM tutorial Aug 5-9 2024, registration open through Feb 15.
- Instructions for updating tags and running on Derecho coming...
- Not porting mksurfdata_map to Derecho now, meaning we won't be able to make surface datasets for CLM4.5-CTSM5.1
- ESIIL Forest Carbon Codefest
- Meier roughness looks appropriate (evaporative fraction)
- Spinning up BGC case using CRUJRA w/ LW
- ERA5 data should be coming soon.
- Keith has ILAMB running on Casper (glade/campaign/cesm/community/lmwg/diag/ILAMB)
- Erik moved datm input data moved from /glade/p onto /glade/campaign
- Sam L updated the parameter file (turns on Meier roughness, fixes FUN bug, more- it also causes problems so now we're turning Meier2022 off).
- Cheyenne is running in a depreciated state. CISL is encouraging move to Derecho.
- Branches need to migrate to Derecho
- Solution will be enabled by new externals update tag (by Friday w/ announcement Monday).
- Supporting release version of code with Derecho move
- Older tags dev will be vulnerable (can't easily update externals)
- Cheyenne is running in a depreciated state. CISL is encouraging move to Derecho.
- ChatGPT experience
- ILAMB requests
- Dead arctic vegetation: Snow albedo
- DATM options
- CESM3 dev054 looks good!
- Thanks Keith for running diagnostics
- CESM3 dev054 looks good!
- TSS is hiring a postdoc to work on FATES.
- LMWG and BGCWG mailing lists migrating to Google groups
For the next agenda items see slides
- 45 days until retirement!
- Targeting code freeze by CESM Workshop in June!
- See also LMWG_dev discussion
- John Bradford, Daniel Schlaepfer (USGS Southwest Climate Adaptation Center); along with Imtiaz Rangwala discuss project with a goal to provide actionable science information related to soil moisture forecast and projections at a very high resolution ~ 1km for conterminous US.
- Tentative CESM science code freeze June 2024. Let's talk priorities over the next few weeks.
- Adrien Damseaux presents on observational synthesis and implementation of Sturm snow thermal conductivity
- Look at additional runs from land-only and coupled simulations.
- CGD Strategy and engagement day, thanks to EC who planned and facilitated.
- Baby Zoey. Congratulations to Guoqiang & Xiaomei!
- Papers accepted: Danica (NEON); Katya (Hillslope @ Niwot); Emma (flexible foliar C:N)
- PLUMBER2 capabilities being merged into supported towers infrastructure
LMWG winter meeting.
- Suggested either week of Feb 12 or Feb 26.
- Coordinate with BGCWG?
- Seminar speaker suggestions.
Diagnostics activity headed by ESDS Looking for WG participants / leads
DATM inputs for CLM6 calibration & simulations (20 minutes)
- What should we be testing now?
Dead arctic vegetation continued (10 minutes):
- Review & plan for next simulations.
- Welcome:
- Wins: Katya joining NEON at 0.5 FTE.
- Announcements:
- Infrastructure for LULCC V1: reading in LUH transition matrix V2: enable LULCC with noComp setup Aiming for full trainsient simulation
- Calibration Adrianna will start on PPE for FATES-sp with new two-stream radiation code Katya beginning work on Alaska NEON sites, also developing LAI estimates from observations Sam R. to join USFS with aim of FATES calibration in Colorado watersheds
- Awesome github collaboration!
- CLM / TSS web site content [Thanks to Sam L & Monica]
- See Issue #2120 and Discussion #2098
- Background: Kudos to Elin and Rosie
- Findings: Thanks to Linnia & PPE team
- Next Steps:
- Evaluate spatial implications,
- PR with updated parameter file,
- PPE needs?
- Discussion on NCAR/LMWG_dev
- Reviewing effects of snow conductivity change on LAI & more.
- PR opened by Adrien!
- Additional experiments or evaluation needed?
- FATES BGC call sequence updated, opening the door for FATES C-N simulations.
- FATES v1 LULCC becoming a reality
- Meier roughness length PR merged (not on by default yet)
- NEON overview paper accepted in GMD.
- Andy, Danica & Will promoted to PS IV vand III's
- Hackathon next week to add PLUMBER sites to 'supported towers' (Sept 13).
- Introduction to NCAR/LMWG_dev
- Investigating cold soil biases & discussion with Adrien
No meeting, conflict with CGD's Day of Discovery.
- Monica Morrison, newly joined TSS.
- Dave's the CESM Chief Scientist!
- NEON Tutorial at ESA was successful. Thanks Teagan, Danica, Linnia, Katya, & Brian.
- Check out the new website neoncollab.ucar.edu and NEON visualization dashboard
- Crop calendar PR merged. +1 for Sam R's postdoc!
- Excess ice PR merged, thanks Sam L, Erik, & Matvey for getting this across the line.
- FATES refactor merged, thanks Adrianna & Greg.
- Derecho training opportunities in August.
- ChatGPT to convert CLM photosynthesis code
- Eleanor, Gab, Ian, Paul
- CTSM5.1 initialized with CAM7 CPL-HIST!
- Continued NSF support for NEON-NCAR project seems likely
- CESM Tutorial successful. Thanks Peter, Adrianna & others who helped with lectures and tutorials.
- NEON tutorial coming to ESA short course
- AGU abstracts are due next week. Who's planning on attending?
- Cheyenne will be down next week.
Preliminary results from CTSM5.1 for CESM3 (10 minutes).
- Spun up with CAM7 coupler history output, compared with results from the CESM2 PI control.
Gab Abramovitz and ModelEvaluation.org (40 minutes)
(10 minutes)
- Sabine Egerer, MPL
- CESM workshop was successful! Thoughts or take-aways?
- Marius Lambert's second paper on the frost mortality and hardening in fates-hydro was accepted.
- Sam L is full time!
- Adrianna and Will have received promising news on proposal to DOE with NAU using FATES & MIMICS at East River, CO.
- Danica, Linnia, Adrianna, Katya, Gordon & Will taught at flux course.
- Peter and Dave participated in scenarioMIP - update worthy at some point?
- Niwot Ridge field trip, June 30.
- CESM Tutorial July 10-14.
- Gordon Bonan
- Ryan Knox
- Discussion (20 minutes)
(5 minutes)
- Jackie's moving to NASA & will be sorely missed
- NCAR-NEON workshop / tutorial was wild success.
- Sonia Seneviratne from ETH will present on "Land management and climate extremes in a changing climate"
(5 minutes)
- Yui Li starting faculty position in Geography at UCLA in Nov.
- Katie R led a productive writing retreat in Estes Park.
- John, a google developer, made a PR that's been merged into main CTSM repository.
- Sam R offered SE II position, working through HR now.
- CESM Workshop June 12-14 Registration open.
- LMWG highlights. Send a slide or two to [email protected] for the workshop.
- Niwot Ridge field trip, June 30.
- James King (25 minutes)
Integrating CLM and IM3
- Ning Sun, PNNL (30 minutes)
- Martin
- CESM Workshop June 12-14 Registration open.
- $200 fee for in person participation, covered for staff.
- CESM Workshop June 12-14 Registration open.
- Set LWMG priorities on CTSM6 project board.
- Coupled model project board
Tutorial needs for the NCAR-NEON workshop May 31-June 2. (20 minutes)
- Adrianna helping Katya and Will start on FATES calibration at US-NR1 tower, Niwot Ridge.
- Sean helped Will run 'big hillslope' simulation with US-NR1 forcing across Front Range (show movie if able).
- CESM Workshop June 12-14.
- Request for presentation opens soon, closes May 8, agenda posted mid-late May.
- Cross-WG sessions (Monday) on Actionable science, Intersection of CESM components (10 m atmosphere), Parameter estimation, Ultra-high resolution
- $200 fee for in person participation, covered for staff.
- Coupled model status and CESM3 timeline (Fall '24 target).
- Keith suggesting CTSM6-CESM3 project board, repository (e.g. amgw_dev), or other organizational mechanism. Interested? contact Will
- CESM Workshop June 12-14.
Review: CTSM6 project board
- Updated slides are here
- See also #1861
- This work seems like a significant improvement in the physics of how we're handling snow albedo that should be brought to main.
Manoj Hari presents work comparing NEON site simulations and observations of GPP with a few different remote sensing proxies
- Katie Rocci, postdoc at CU and Univ of Michigan
- Olga Dombrowski, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
- Erik recognized with a CGD On-the-Spot Award TWICE! for: His steady leadership, dedication, and enthusiasm to the CGD DEI activities, specifically related to creation of and reporting on the 2022 CGD Culture Survey.
- Erik was also recognized with an On-the-Spot Award for his leadership of the CTSM-SE team.
- LMWG was a big success, thanks for your presentations
- SE II position posted.
CLM-CET group starting up. Thanks, Rosie!
- Dates and time TBD, but meeting 16:00 or 16:30 CET (8:00 or 8:30 Mountain).
- CESM workshop
- Jun. 12 to Jun. 15, 2023
- Nominations for awards, plenary speakers & cross CESM sessions.
- Linnia will contact Gokhan re. cross-WG session on parameter estimation. Katie & Yifan were also interested.
- Peter and Will were interested in cross-WG session on novel model applications (e.g. GCR projects, Innovators projects). Will will contact Gokhan on this too.
- TSS / LMWG community events:
- CTSM Bug squashing party, April 3-14.
- Similar effort to update CTSM User's Guide is TBD.
- New science:
- CLM Fruit Tree, Olga
- Soil NOx emissions, not presented at meeting.
- Hybrid format?
- Zhe Zhang, new postdoc in RAL
- Yifan's paper out in WRR! doi: 10.1029/2022WR032204
LMWG workshop Feb 6-8 2023. Register for the hybrid meeting
52 speakers, 31 graduate students and postdocs!
Draft agenda here, will be posted shortly
Sufficient time for FATES overview (Jackie), CTSM5.2 (Sam & Peter).
Suggestions for hybrid meeting?
- Dave circulated this resource
- Virtual coffee and lunch room for on-line participants
- contingency plan for sharing talks (google drive)
- communicate clearly with speakers, coordinate with Elizabeth.
Requesting volunteers to help moderate & introduce speakers.
- Peter, Jackie, Polly, Danica, Katie, Aleya (moderate online)
post-LMWG CTSM-FATES discussion (hybrid, Feb 9). Focus on LULCC.
- Bill and Jackie are coordinating. Thank you.
- Slides
- Overview of changes & discussion on potential workflows
- especially for PRISM, FATES
- Tutorial opportunities & timeline
- Timeline & priorities
- Welcome:
- Wins:
- Adrianna & Danica are back from parental leave
- LMWG workshop Feb 6-8 2023. Register for the hybrid meeting and present!
- post-LMWG CTSM-FATES discussion (hybrid, Feb 9?). Focus on LULCC + tutorial.
Outstanding tasks and timeline
- Peter will contribute raw LULCC data for -6000 to 2300
- Peter will add new files for Gross Unrepresented Land Use
- Sam will generate new surface datasets once raw data are in place
- Peter is looking for help reading the Land Use Tech Note
Next steps
- Will: ask at co-chairs re. resolution currently proposing time slices at 0.05 or 0.01 degrees.
- Peter will work with Sam and Erik to make this in an ESCOMP repository and train them on the workflow.
- Slides
- Overview (Will)
- PRISM precipitation (Teagan)
- FATES (Adrianna)
- MIMICS (Will)
- Hillslope & more...
- Overview of changes & discussion on potential workflows
- At SE meeting we'll implement something simple for running FATES, but this will be a work in progress moving forward.
- Tutorial opportunities & timeline
- Timeline & priorities
Development guides
CTSM Users:
CTSM Developer Team
Editing documentation (tech note, user's guide)