In order to be able to work with the NEXUS app stack code, the following requirements must be met.
Add the following environment variables to your .env file:
Integrate the following lines into your Docker Compose file by adding them under the service such as "api" or "ui" where you want to use the NEXUS app stack code.
ENVIRONMENT: "Production" # Only needs to be defined in your Docker Compose production file.
- ${NEXUS_CONTRIB_BIND:-/dev/null:/.no_nexus_contrib_bind}
The git command must be available during the Docker image build. On Alpine Linux you can install Git with the following command:
RUN apk add --update --no-cache git
The Dockerfile commands like
COPY requirements.txt /
orCOPY app/package.json /app
should be executed before the Dockerfile commands relevant for the NEXUS app stack because it is convenient that a dependency version update triggers a refresh of the NEXUS app stack repository.
All NEXUS app stack Python libraries and/or Django apps that you want to use in your project must be added to the
environment variable so that Python is aware of the sources. This variable is also used during the NEXUS
app stack bootstrap to download/clone the sources from the repository (see next step).
Define the environment:
NEXUS App Stack api bootstrap command for the...
Alpine Linux BusyBox Almquist shell:
RUN export ENVIRONMENT=$ENVIRONMENT BRANCH=$NEXUS_CONTRIB_REPOSITORY_BRANCH && \ sh <(wget -q -O - https://$NEXUS_CONTRIB_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT || echo false) \ $(echo "$PYTHONPATH" | sed "s/:\/nexus-app-stack-contrib\// /g")
See also the Dockerfile.TINY_IMAGE template.
Bash shell:
RUN export ENVIRONMENT=$ENVIRONMENT BRANCH=$NEXUS_CONTRIB_REPOSITORY_BRANCH && \ bash -c "$(wget -q -O - https://$NEXUS_CONTRIB_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT || echo false)" '' \ $(echo "$PYTHONPATH" | sed "s/:\/nexus-app-stack-contrib\// /g")
All NEXUS app stack UI packages that you want to use in the project are specified in the last line of the RUN
Alpine Linux BusyBox Almquist shell:
RUN export ENVIRONMENT=$ENVIRONMENT BRANCH=$NEXUS_CONTRIB_REPOSITORY_BRANCH && \ sh <(wget -q -O - https://$NEXUS_CONTRIB_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT || echo false) \ ui/vue-fileupload ui/vue-viewer
See also the Dockerfile.TINY_IMAGE template.
Bash shell:
RUN export ENVIRONMENT=$ENVIRONMENT BRANCH=$NEXUS_CONTRIB_REPOSITORY_BRANCH && \ bash -c "$(wget -q -O - https://$NEXUS_CONTRIB_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT || echo false)" '' \ ui/vue-fileupload ui/vue-viewer
Note: The command was tested with an Alpine Linux BusyBox Almquist shell.
See also the Dockerfile.TINY_IMAGE template.
You can reference NEXUS app stack code in the requirements.txt file like this:
-e /nexus-app-stack-contrib/api/django-feature
If you do not need to edit the code locally, you can reference it directly (in this case you do not actually need any NEXUS app stack specific Dockerfile adjustments):
django-feature@ git+https://${NEXUS_CONTRIB_REPOSITORY_BRANCH}#subdirectory=api/django-feature
You can reference NEXUS app stack code in the package.json file like this:
"dependencies": {
"@nexus-app-stack-contrib/vue-feature": "link:../nexus-app-stack-contrib/ui/vue-feature"
Unfortunately, Yarn does not support references to repository subdirectories. Therefore, the NEXUS app stack specific Dockerfile adjustments are always necessary.
In order that the linked package finds all its dependencies, an installation of these dependencies for each of the linked package is necessary. This can be done in the
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -euo pipefail
yarn install --cwd /nexus-app-stack-contrib/ui/vue-feature
yarn install --cwd /nexus-app-stack-contrib/ui/vue-another-feature
yarn install --cwd /nexus-app-stack-contrib/ui/vue-yet-another-feature
yarn install
yarn dev --host --port 8077
Clone the "nexus-app-stack-contrib" repository to a local directory next to your project repository directory:
git clone -b main
The repository directory will be bind into your Docker containers. This approach allows you to develop the app stack part alongside your project code without having to commit and deploy every change. The following environment (.env) variable defines this bind:
NEXUS_CONTRIB_BIND=../nexus-app-stack-contrib:/nexus-app-stack-contrib \
sh api/django-feature