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Dashboard updates - 15/04/2024
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EVANSTATS committed Apr 16, 2024
1 parent ca792cd commit 9bcfaa1
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Showing 15 changed files with 478 additions and 1 deletion.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/pcs/windowlayoutstate.pper
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"left": {
"splitterpos": 300,
"topwindowstate": "NORMAL",
"panelheight": 647,
"windowheight": 685
"right": {
"splitterpos": 334,
"topwindowstate": "NORMAL",
"panelheight": 647,
"windowheight": 685
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/sources/prop/56D2A599
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"source_window_id": "",
"Source": "Source",
"cursorPosition": "85,0",
"scrollLine": "76"
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/sources/prop/7A1F73DB
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"source_window_id": "",
"Source": "Source",
"cursorPosition": "118,29",
"scrollLine": "115"
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/sources/prop/DC8F4729
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"source_window_id": "",
"Source": "Source",
"cursorPosition": "32,39",
"scrollLine": "24"
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/sources/session-6291cfb0/119FC69B-contents
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# Function to call matomo data
calling_matomo_data <- function(date_from = "2023-10-25", date_to = "2024-10-25", data = plhdata_org,
type = c("none", "EFM_KE", "EFM_not_KE"),
token = token_matomo){
type <- match.arg(type)

if (type == "EFM_KE"){
segment_name <- "segment=pageTitle%3D%3DEarly%252520Family%252520Math;countryCode%3D%3Dke"
} else if (type == "EFM_not_KE"){
segment_name <- "segment=pageTitle%3D%3DEarly%252520Family%252520Math;countryCode!%3Dke"
} else {
segment_name <- "segment="

json_file <- paste0("", date_from, ",", date_to, "&expanded=1&filter_limit=-1&format=JSON&idSite=1&method=API.getProcessedReport&module=API&period=range&", segment_name, "&token_auth=", token)

json_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt=json_file, flatten = TRUE)

our_data <- json_data$reportData
names(our_data) <- c("UUID", "Visits", "Actions", "C", "D", "Actions per visit", "Avg. Time on Website", "Bounce Rate")
our_data <- our_data %>% dplyr::select(-c("C", "D"))
our_data$`Bounce proportion` <- as.numeric(as.character(stringr::str_split(our_data$`Bounce Rate`, "%", simplify = TRUE)[,1]))/100
our_data <- our_data %>% mutate(Bounce = round(`Bounce proportion` * Visits, 0)) %>% dplyr::select(-c("Bounce Rate"))
our_data$`Avg. Time on Website` <- period_to_seconds(hms(x = our_data$`Avg. Time on Website`, format = "%H:%M:%S"))[1:length(our_data$`Avg. Time on Website`)]
our_data$`Time on Website` <- our_data$`Avg. Time on Website` * our_data$Visits # this is calculated so can be out by 10 seconds or so

valid_uuid <- data[["app_user_id"]]
#data <- data %>% dplyr::select(c(UUID = app_user_id))
our_data <- our_data %>% filter(UUID %in% valid_uuid)


# Functions
# function to fix up namings to make it a bit prettier!
naming_conventions <- function(x, replace, replace_after) {
if (!missing(replace)){
x <- gsub(paste("^.*?", replace, ".*", sep = ""), "", x)
if (!missing(replace_after)){
x <- gsub(paste(replace_after, "$", sep = ""), "", x)
substr(x, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(x, 1, 1))
x <- gsub("_", " ", x)

# so we can use "add_na_variable" to add into the data variables which are not in the data
# but will be at some point
# this function checks if the variable is in the data.
# If it is not in the data, then it adds it as a new variable with all NAs.
add_na_variable <- function(data = contacts_unflat, variable){
for (names in variable) {
if (!names %in% colnames(data)) {
data[, names] <- NA
warning(paste(names, "does not exist. Adding NAs"))

# Function to count dates in each element of the vector
count_dates <- function(x) {
if ( {
} else {
dates <- unlist(strsplit(x, ";"))
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/sources/session-6291cfb0/205BB7E0-contents
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@

data_l <- import_list("EFM_shiny.xlsx")

# Download data ----------------------------------------------------------------
# download EFM app data from Metabase as an RDS file?

plhdata_org <- postgresr::get_user_data(site = plh_con, filter = FALSE)

# plhdata_org <- get_user_data(filter_variable = "app_deployment_name",
# filter_variable_value = "early_family_math",
# site = plh_con, merge_check = FALSE, filter = TRUE)
#names(plhdata_org) <- gsub(x = names(plhdata_org), pattern = "\\-", replacement = ".")

mydate <- "2023-12-15"
plhdata_org <- plhdata_org %>% filter(as.Date(createdAt) > as.Date(mydate))

# filter to web users?
plhdata_org <- plhdata_org %>% dplyr::filter(nchar(app_user_id) == 16)

# filter to individuals from Kenya
token_matomo <- read.table("token_matomo", quote="\"", comment.char="")
efm_kenya <- calling_matomo_data(type = "EFM_KE")
kenyan_ids <- efm_kenya$UUID
plhdata_org <- plhdata_org %>% dplyr::filter(app_user_id %in% kenyan_ids)

# COUNTING the number of clicks --------------------------------------------------------------------
### Creating counts
#x <- c("2023-11-24T09:28:59 ; 2023-11-24T09:30:22", NA, "2023-11-27T14:45:52")

# Apply the function to each element of the vector

# METHOD 1: sapply
# plhdata_org1 <- plhdata_org %>%
# mutate(count_activities_button_click_history =
# sapply(`rp-contact-field.activities_button_click_history`, count_dates))
# plhdata_org1 %>% dplyr::select(count_activities_button_click_history, `rp-contact-field.activities_button_click_history`)

# METHOD 2: purrr
# plhdata_org2 <- plhdata_org %>%
# mutate(count_activities_button_click_history_purrr =
# purrr::map_dbl(.x = `rp-contact-field.activities_button_click_history`,
# .f = ~ count_dates(.x)))
# plhdata_org2 %>% dplyr::select(count_activities_button_click_history, count_activities_button_click_history_purrr, %>% View()

# METHOD 3: multiple columns
plhdata_org <- plhdata_org %>%
mutate(across(ends_with("_click_history"), # put in here a set of variables.
.names = "{.col}_count", # rename the new variables
~ sapply(.x, count_dates))) # apply count_dates to them.
#plhdata_org_3 %>% View()

######################################### Hello - fixes and comments #######################################

# we got an error in shiny:
# Caused by error in `.data[["rp-contact-field.efm_sb_Cat_And_Dog_And_The_Ball_book_click_history"]]`:
# ! Column `rp-contact-field.efm_sb_Cat_And_Dog_And_The_Ball_book_click_history` not found in `.data`.

# lets check if these variables exist

vars_to_check <- data_l$storybooks$variable
plhdata_org <- add_na_variable(data = plhdata_org, variable = vars_to_check)

# WARNING: Please please check when you do this - this code creates the variable and fills with NAs if it
# is not in the data set.
# However, it may be that this variable is a typo, and so therefore you need to check the typo and fix it that way.
# Please make sure of this. I've noticed some typos already - e.g. you said
# app_last_launch, not rp-contact-field.app_last_launch. I've fixed this on run_plhr_shiny.R

#### Fix namings for rp-contact-field.current_book
# We just want to remove "data.efm_storybooks.efm_sb_" from our names
plhdata_org$`rp-contact-field.current_book` <- naming_conventions(plhdata_org$`rp-contact-field.current_book`,

#TODO: remove data column in spreadsheet
plhdata_org$`rp-contact-field._server_sync_latest` <- lubridate::as_date(plhdata_org$`rp-contact-field._server_sync_latest`)
plhdata_org$`app_last_launch` <- plhdata_org$`rp-contact-field.app_last_launch`
plhdata_org$`app_launch_count` <- plhdata_org$`rp-contact-field.app_launch_count`

#App last sync
plhdata_org <- plhdata_org %>%
mutate(synced_7_days = ifelse(`rp-contact-field._server_sync_latest` >= as.Date(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC")) - 7,

plhdata_org <- plhdata_org %>%
mutate(synced_7_14_days = ifelse(`rp-contact-field._server_sync_latest` >= as.Date(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC")) - 14 &
`rp-contact-field._server_sync_latest` < as.Date(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC")) - 7,

plhdata_org <- plhdata_org %>%
mutate(synced_14_30_days = ifelse(`rp-contact-field._server_sync_latest` >= as.Date(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC")) - 30 &
`rp-contact-field._server_sync_latest` < as.Date(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC")) - 14,

plhdata_org <- plhdata_org %>%
mutate(synced_more_than_30_days = ifelse(`rp-contact-field._server_sync_latest` < as.Date(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC")) - 30,

plhdata_org$app_last_launch <- as.Date(plhdata_org$app_last_launch)

# # App last launch - line graph
# plhdata_org$app_last_launch <- as.Date(plhdata_org$app_last_launch)
# # Creating a data frame of the last lauched dates
# app_last_launch_data <- plhdata_org %>%
# filter(! %>%
# group_by(app_last_launch) %>%
# summarise(frequency = n())

# Creating the line graph
# ggplot(app_last_launch_data) +
# geom_line(aes(x = app_last_launch, y = frequency)) +
# geom_point(aes(x = app_last_launch, y = frequency)) +
# labs(x = "Date", y = "Frequency", title = "Frequency of Values by Date")

# 15/04/2024 - Evans removed "App Launch History" from demographics tab.

38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/sources/session-6291cfb0/5437C517-contents
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@

#' AIM: We want to be able to call the original data, clean it / remove the irrelevant ones
#' and then save that so we can call just this reduced data set.

#Connect to Database to get original data
plh_con <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(),
dbname = 'early_family_math',
host = '',
port = 5432,
user = 'early_family_math',
password = 'nPmtPjhi2HuQDz')

# TODO: explore do a query (filter)
#DBI::dbReadTable(conn = plh_con, name = "app_users")

#Connect to Database to write cleaned data
# parent_app_con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(),
# dbname = 'parent_app',
# host = '',
# port = 5432,
# user = 'parent_app',
# password = 'parent_app')
# parent_app_tables <- dbListTables(plh_con)

# x <- system.time(DBI::dbReadTable(conn = plh_con, name = "app_users"))
# y <- system.time(DBI::dbReadTable(conn = parent_app_con, name = "plhdata_org_clean"))
# x; y

#plhdata_org <- DBI::dbReadTable(conn = parent_app_con, name = "plhdata_org_clean")
#plhdata_org <- DBI::dbReadTable(conn = parent_app_con, name = "Cleaned PLH data")
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/sources/session-6291cfb0/578901C3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"id": "578901C3",
"path": "~/GitHub/EFMDataScripts/app.R",
"project_path": "app.R",
"type": "r_source",
"hash": "0",
"contents": "",
"dirty": false,
"created": 1712756115410.0,
"source_on_save": false,
"relative_order": 1,
"properties": {
"source_window_id": "",
"Source": "Source",
"cursorPosition": "32,39",
"scrollLine": "24"
"folds": "",
"lastKnownWriteTime": 1712821990,
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"collab_server": "",
"source_window": "",
"last_content_update": 1712821990792,
"read_only": false,
"read_only_alternatives": []
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions .Rproj.user/DC486B7A/sources/session-6291cfb0/578901C3-contents
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Template file to run PLHR changes.

# R files where we call and tidy the data
source("Personal Setup.R")

# Excel file with the specifications in it
data_l <- import_list("EFM_shiny.xlsx")
#data_l$contents <- data_l$contents[1:3,]

# Run the shiny dashboard
PLH_shiny(title = "EFM Research",
data_list = data_l,
data_frame = plhdata_org,
status = "primary")

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