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Updated all HUDs to the latest releases.
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xvitaly committed Jun 1, 2023
1 parent e2998a2 commit 04d5fed
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Showing 9 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion boredhud
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion budhud
Submodule budhud updated 226 files
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hypnotizehud
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion m0rehud
Submodule m0rehud updated 68 files
+9 −0 .gitattributes
+1 −0
+ ...ns/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Cross + Big Font (Default ON)/Buff Cross Example.png
+740 −0 ... Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Cross + Big Font (Default ON)/resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
+ customizations/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Cross + Small Font/Buff Cross Example.png
+740 −0 ...ions/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Cross + Small Font/resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
+ customizations/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Rectangle + Big Font/Buff Box Example.png
+9 −0 ...ber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Rectangle + Big Font/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/health_box.vmt
+ ...ber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Rectangle + Big Font/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/health_box.vtf
+740 −0 ...ns/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Rectangle + Big Font/resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
+ customizations/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Rectangle + Small Font/Buff Box Example.png
+9 −0 ...r Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Rectangle + Small Font/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/health_box.vmt
+ ...r Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Rectangle + Small Font/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/health_box.vtf
+740 −0 .../Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] Buff Rectangle + Small Font/resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
+ ...mizations/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] No Buff Cross + Big Font/No Buff Cross Example.png
+0 −0 ...ons/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] No Buff Cross + Big Font/resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
+ ...zations/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] No Buff Cross + Small Font/No Buff Cross Example.png
+0 −0 ...s/Health Ammo Uber Animation Style/[Health Buff] No Buff Cross + Small Font/resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
+2 −2 customizations/Health Ammo Uber Style/[Health] Health Cross/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/health_bg.vmt
+2 −2 ...zations/Health Ammo Uber Style/[Health] Health Cross/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/health_border_blu.vmt
+2 −2 ...zations/Health Ammo Uber Style/[Health] Health Cross/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/health_border_red.vmt
+2 −2 customizations/Main Menu/[Friends] Friends Panel OFF/resource/gamemenu.res
+0 −30 customizations/Main Menu/[Friends] Friends Panel OFF/resource/ui/mainmenuoverride.res
+2 −2 customizations/Main Menu/[Friends] Friends Panel ON (Default ON)/resource/gamemenu.res
+0 −32 customizations/Main Menu/[Friends] Friends Panel ON (Default ON)/resource/ui/mainmenuoverride.res
+26 −0 customizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Absolute Speed/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/digits.vmt
+ customizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Absolute Speed/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/digits.vtf
+0 −0 customizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Absolute Speed/resource/ui/speedometer.res
+ ...mizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Horizontal Speed/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/digits.vtf
+357 −0 ...mizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Horizontal Speed/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/speed1.vmt
+363 −0 ...mizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Horizontal Speed/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/speed2.vmt
+363 −0 ...mizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Horizontal Speed/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/speed3.vmt
+363 −0 ...mizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Horizontal Speed/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/speed4.vmt
+166 −0 customizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON - Horizontal Speed/resource/ui/speedometer.res
+0 −272 customizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/digits.vmt
+ customizations/Speedometer/[Speed] Speedometer ON/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/digits.vtf
+6 −5 customizations/Timers & Match Status/[MatchStatus] HealthBar Big/resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res
+6 −5 customizations/Timers & Match Status/[MatchStatus] HealthBar Small/resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res
+7 −6 customizations/Timers & Match Status/[MatchStatus] HealthBar Static (DefaultON)/resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res
+6 −5 customizations/Timers & Match Status/[MatchStatus] Names ON/resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res
+5 −1 ...models/[Viewmodel] Transparent Viewmodels ON/materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails/refractnormal_transparent.vmt
+3 −3 resource/clientscheme.res
+2 −2 resource/gamemenu.res
+0 −1 resource/ui/basechat.res
+0 −34 resource/ui/charinfoloadoutsubpanel.res
+0 −2 resource/ui/charinfopanel.res
+0 −3 resource/ui/classloadoutpanel.res
+0 −10 resource/ui/classselection.res
+17 −33 resource/ui/econ/backpackpanel.res
+7 −52 resource/ui/freezepanel_basic.res
+1 −1 resource/ui/hud_obj_dispenser.res
+1 −1 resource/ui/hud_obj_sentrygun.res
+1 −1 resource/ui/hud_obj_sentrygun_disp.res
+1 −1 resource/ui/hud_obj_tele_entrance.res
+1 −1 resource/ui/hud_obj_tele_exit.res
+0 −2 resource/ui/hudarenateammenu.res
+61 −0 resource/ui/hudinspectpanel.res
+7 −6 resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res
+7 −7 resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
+0 −2 resource/ui/hudtournamentsetup.res
+1 −33 resource/ui/mainmenuoverride.res
+1 −3 resource/ui/mapinfomenu.res
+3 −3 resource/ui/mvmscoreboard.res
+2 −52 resource/ui/spectator.res
+2 −59 resource/ui/spectatortournament.res
+0 −4 resource/ui/teammenu.res
+1 −2 resource/ui/textwindow.res
+4 −4 scripts/hudlayout.res
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion rayshud
Submodule rayshud updated 52 files
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/basechat.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/classselection.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/dashboardpartymember.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/disguisestatuspanel.res
+157 −0 #customizations/_base/freezepanel_basic.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/hudarenawinpanel.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/hudinspectpanel.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/hudkillstreaknotice.res
+0 −2 #customizations/_base/hudlayout.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/hudmatchstatus.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/hudmatchsummary.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/hudplayerclass.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/hudplayerhealth.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/hudtournament.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/mainmenuoverride.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/matchmakingtooltip.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/mvmscoreboard.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/pvprankpanel.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/scoreboard.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/spectator.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/targetid.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/teammenu.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/votehud.res
+0 −0 #customizations/_base/winpanel.res
+37 −18 #customizations/_streamermode/hudmatchstatus.res
+ materials/console/_disabled/background_classic.vtf
+ materials/console/_disabled/background_modern.vtf
+2 −2 resource/ui/basechat.res
+1 −1 resource/ui/classselection.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/dashboardpartymember.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/disguisestatuspanel.res
+0 −3 resource/ui/freezepanel_basic-base.res
+3 −159 resource/ui/freezepanel_basic.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/hudarenawinpanel.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/hudinspectpanel.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/hudkillstreaknotice.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/hudmatchsummary.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/hudplayerclass.res
+1 −1 resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/hudtournament.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/mainmenuoverride.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/matchmakingtooltip.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/mvmscoreboard.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/pvprankpanel.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/scoreboard.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/spectator.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/targetid.res
+2 −1 resource/ui/teammenu.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/votehud.res
+2 −2 resource/ui/winpanel.res
+2 −2 scripts/hudlayout.res
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion sunsethud
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion voidhud

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