This is the simple example for integrating Cypress with Mochawesome library to generate HTML and JSON report.
$ yarn add mochawesome --dev
$ yarn add [email protected] --dev
$ yarn add mochawesome-report-generator --dev
Add the following code inside your cypress.json
"reporter": "mochawesome",
"reporterOptions": {
"reportDir": "cypress/results",
"overwrite": false,
"html": false,
"json": true
$ yarn start & cypress run --headless --browser chrome
$ npx mochawesome-merge --reportDir cypress/results > cypress/merged-report.json
$ npx marge cypress/merged-report.json -o cypress/mochawesome-html-report
Find your HTML report in the .../cypress/mochawesome-html-report/merged-report.html
Add this configuration into your config.yml file
version: 2.1
cypress: cypress-io/[email protected]
- cypress/run:
install-command: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
start: yarn start
wait-on: 'http://localhost:3000'
- run:
name: Create merged-report Directory
command: mkdir cypress/merged-report/
- run:
name: Merge mochawesome jsons in one file
when: always
command: npx mochawesome-merge --reportDir cypress/results > cypress/merged-report/merged-report.json
- run:
name: Generate mochawesome html report
when: always
command: npx marge cypress/merged-report/merged-report.json -o cypress/mochawesome-html-report
- store_artifacts:
name: Uploading mochawesome-merged-report.json
path: cypress/merged-report
- store_artifacts:
name: Uploading mochawesome-html-report
path: cypress/mochawesome-html-report
- find the way to attach screenshots & video on failure