Porn Fetch V3.2
New Features
- Disabled limits in the settings e.g., the search limit
- You can now apply your own values for the timeout, max workers, delay and other network settings
- You can now export Video URLs from the tree widget directly into a file
- You can now stop loading video objects by clicking the button
- Porn Fetch is now able to install ffmpeg automatically for you. Go to the settings to do this.
- Added Searching support for xnxx
- Added Model support for xnxx
- Porn Fetch will now automatically write some metadata to the files and convert the .ts files into a valid .mp4 header file.
(This requires FFmpeg. If it is not installed, it will be skipped.)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the Overflow Error
- Fixed logger debug / error connections (only relevant for local development with Android)
- Fixed several typo issues, e.g., #34
- Fixed some PHUB errors related to #33 #30 #27 #12 #4
- Fixed FFmpeg progress reporting
- Rewrite of the README
- Rewrite of the CLI of Porn Fetch
- A lot of code optimizations
Like I said before, this is a stability update. The next update will focus explicitly on Windows and Android performance
and layout design.
This release does NOT contain an asset for Android. I am currently not able to compile Porn Fetch for Android, because Qt
just has released Qt 6.6.3 and messed up some stuff again. When I open my .apk I get an error: "Invalid ID 0x00000000"
I am currently not able to fix this. Please use the .apk from Version 3.1
Android is very unstable in general. It's very experimental and I am trying to optimize and fix stuff, but it's not
very easy when there's no one that helps you or has made a guide how to do it :)
As always, thanks for your patience and have fun with this release :)
This release does NOT contains 32bit versions. If you need them, please open a discussion. Thanks.
- GUI: The GUI is the graphical user interface of Porn Fetch. (You probably want this)
- CLI: The CLI is a terminal version of Porn Fetch for experienced users