vagrant up
fab vagrant bootstrap
fab vagrant createsuperuser
fab vagrant loaddata
fab vagrant runserver
Create a node file with the name scripts/cookbook/node_staging.json from the template in scripts/cookbook/node_staging.json.template. Set the postgresql password and add your ssh public key to scripts/node_staging.json. Tested with Ubuntu 12.04 (precise pangolin).
These commands install all the prerequisites for running marine planner, including postgresql/postgis, python and all the required modules in a virtual environment as well as gunicorn and nginx to serve the static files.
fab staging:root@hostname prepare
fab staging:username@hostname deploy:branch
Branch is master by default.
###Sample config file
"user": "www-data",
"servername": "",
"dbname": "marine-planner",
"staticfiles": "/usr/local/apps/marine-planner/mediaroot",
"mediafiles": "/usr/local/apps/marine-planner/mediaroot",
"users": [
"name": "jsmith",
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3sdkfjhsdkhjfdjkhfffdj.....fhfhfjdjdfhQ== [email protected]"
"postgresql": {
"password": {
"postgres": "some random password here"
"run_list": [
After the prepare command runs you will no longer be able to login as root with a password. The prepare command creates one or more users with sudo access based on the list of users specified in the json file.
fab staging:[email protected] backup_db
fab staging:[email protected] restore_db:backups/2013-11-111755-geosurvey.dump
fab vagrant restore_db:backups/2013-11-111755-geosurvey.dump
fab staging:[email protected] migrate_db
Unit tests will run whenever you save a file:
grunt c-unit
End to end tests will run whenever you save a file:
grunt c-e2e
#Heroku ##requirements
- Install the heroku toolbelt.
- Install git > 1.8
##create the heroku app if it doesn't exist
heroku create appname
##login to heroku
heroku login
##set environment vars and install addons.
heroku config:add DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=SECRET!
heroku addons:add sendgrid
heroku addons:add redistogo
heroku addons:add pgbackups
Or run the script from scripts/, which is available on google drive for each deployment.
First push the server directory as a subtree from the master branch to heroku. Then you can use a subtree split to push an alternate branch.
##push the app from the project directory
git subtree push --prefix server/ heroku master
##push an alternate branch from the project directory
git push heroku `git subtree split --prefix server testbranch`:master
##django install
heroku run python syncdb --settings=config.environments.heroku
heroku run python migrate --settings=config.environments.heroku
##load some data
heroku run python loaddata apps/survey/fixtures/surveys.json --settings=config.environments.heroku
heroku run python loaddata apps/places/fixtures/marco.json.gz --settings=config.environments.heroku
##open the app
heroku open
#manage the heroku database There is now a management command to capture a backup from heroku and restore it to the vagrant instance. This will get your development environment up to date with what is currently running on heroku.
fab vagrant transfer_db
##dump a backup This will dump a compressed binary backup of the current database to a file that can be retrieved as "latest.dump".
heroku pgbackups:capture
curl -o latest.dump `heroku pgbackups:url`
##restore a backup Transfer the dump file to a web accessible space. To find the database url, use the pg:info command.
heroku pg:info
heroku pgbackups:restore HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_WHITE_URL ''
#Phonegap 3.0 Make sure that you have a recent version of node and install the phonegap node module.
brew upgrade node
sudo npm install -g phonegap
phonegap create mobile -n DigitalDeck -i com.pointnineseven.digitaldeck
cd mobile && phonegap local plugin add
To run the ios simulator
fab vagrant emulate_ios
To build and stage the android app
fab vagrant package_android_test