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🔢 Replace the meh default number/phone keyboard with this stylish one


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NativeScript Numeric Keyboard

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For iOS. Falls back to the best platform-provided numeric keyboard on Android. Note that the iPad UI looks a bit sleeker than shown in the screenshot below.

BREAKING CHANGE in plugin version 4.0.0: we used to extend a TextView, now it's a TextField, because I finally hacked my way around a problem that prevented a TextField from emitting a textChange event. Note that unless you use the decorate() function this will not affect you (bar some now-fixed UI glitches).


From the command prompt go to your app's root folder and execute:

tns plugin add nativescript-numeric-keyboard

Demo app

Check out the demo to play with the keyboard. You can run it by typing npm run demo.iphone / npm run demo.ipad at the root of the project.

How it works

This plugin wraps a native keyboard library and extends a regular NativeScript TextField. You can set any property you'd normally set on this widget (class, text, etc) and a few plugin-specific properties as well.

You can either define the keyboard in XML or in code - use whichever tickles your fancy.

Screenshot-driven documentation

After adding the plugin you can add a namespace to your view (using NumKey below) and use the NumericKeyboardView tag to render a TextField powered by this plugin.

<Page xmlns="" xmlns:NK="nativescript-numeric-keyboard">
  <NK:NumericKeyboardView text="123.45" maxLength="10" returnKeyButtonBackgroundColor="#333333" />

For comparison sake we kick off with the default appearance of a TextField and then showcase the various properties this plugin exposes:

Appearance Declaration
<TextField keyboardType="number" text="1.23"/>
<TextField keyboardType="phone" text="12.34"/>
<NK:NumericKeyboardView text="123.45"/>
<NK:NumericKeyboardView returnKeyTitle="OK" text="234.56"/>
<NK:NumericKeyboardView noDecimals="true" text="345"/>
<NK:NumericKeyboardView noReturnKey="true" text="678"/>
<NK:NumericKeyboardView locale="en_US" text="456.78"/>
<NK:NumericKeyboardView locale="nl_NL" text="567,89"/>

iPad appearance

It's similar (although a bit cleaner than in these screenshots), except for some padding on both sides of the keyboard:

Appearance Declaration
<TextField keyboardType="phone" text="12.34"/>
<NK:NumericKeyboard text="123.45"/>

Usage with Vue

Open main.ts (or .js) and add this:

Vue.registerElement('NumericKeyboard', () => require('nativescript-numeric-keyboard').NumericKeyboardView);

Check this registerElement example, and this usage example.

Usage with Angular

Open app.module.ts and add either of these:

With or without using Webpack

import { registerElement } from "nativescript-angular";
registerElement("NumericKeyboard", () => require("nativescript-numeric-keyboard").NumericKeyboardView);

When not using Webpack you may use this instead

import { NSNUMKEY_DIRECTIVES } from "nativescript-numeric-keyboard/angular";

declarations: [

For the views you can take a look at the examples above and just replace NumKey:NumericKeyboardView by NumericKeyboard :

<NumericKeyboard noDecimals="true"></NumericKeyboard>

Programmatic usage

Say you have a plain old TextField in your view:

<Page xmlns="" loaded="pageLoaded">
  <TextField id="myTextField" maxlength="8" keyboardType="number" text="{{ myTextPlugin }}" />

Now you can enhance the TextField with this plugin by doing fi. this in the pageLoaded event you've defined in the <Page> tag above:

import { NumericKeyboard } from "nativescript-numeric-keyboard";
import { Color } from "tns-core-modules/color";

export function pageLoaded(args: observable.EventData) {
  const page = <pages.Page>args.object;
  const textField = <TextField>page.getViewById("myTextField");
  // or even textField.ios

  // this is an example with all possible properties, not that they make sense combined :)
  new NumericKeyboard().decorate({
    textField: textField,
    returnKeyTitle: "Go!",
    locale: "en_US", // or "nl_NL", or any valid locale really (to define the decimal char)
    noReturnKey: true,
    noDecimals: true,
    noIpadInputBar: true, // suppress the bar with buttons iOS renders on iPad since iOS 9
    returnKeyButtonBackgroundColor: new Color("red"), // optional, set this to change the (default) blue color of the 'return' key
    onReturnKeyPressed: (): boolean => {
      // Your code here
      return true; // Return true to hide/collapse the keyboard, use false to keep the keyboard in place.

Note that on Android you'll just get a numeric keyboard as usual (since we specified keyboardType="number").