EJP is an open-source platform designed to lower the barriers of providing coding education. By leveraging edge computing and user's local resources, educators can manage and grade students' coding assignments without the need for high-cost server setups or third-party platform subscriptions.
- Cost-Effective: No more expensive server setups or platform subscriptions.
- Leverage Local Resources: Uses the distributed computing resources that users already possess.
- Open-Source and Free: Anyone can set up, contribute, and benefit.
- EJP-T (For Teachers): Craft assignments and manage student grades.
- EJP-S (For Students): Submit answers and get instant feedback.
- EJP-BE (Server Program): Set up the server with ease.
OS Support: Currently Linux only. Windows & Mac support is on the horizon.
For detailed instructions on each component, dive into the respective repositories.
Feel free to fork, improve, make pull requests or fill issues. We're open to suggestions and improvements!
EJP is MIT licensed.