CAOS init suite
Actually CAOS is only testet on devuan and only have a replacement for rc (/etc/init.d/rc) init script
To build CAOS you need installed:
- meson version 0.39.1 or above (To install meson see:
- ninja version 1.7.2 or above
- gcc version 4.9.2 or above
- gcovr (OPTIONAL for tests)
- valgind (OPTIONAL for tests)
You can see some Screenshots at:
Yo can run the script or follow this steps:
meson build
cd ./build
ninja clean
sudo ninja install
replace your rc init lines by zeus, for example:
si::sysinit:/sbin/zeus serial
l0:0:wait:/sbin/zeus serial
The tag serial is the start algorithm you can use serial or low_parallel, but low_parallel is still under development
You can try CAOS in your system, no pain, is not dangerous, you can edit one line in your inittab and then use GRUB2 or init to exec the runlevel that you want.
* Edit your inittab, for example set the line "l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3" to "l3:3:wait:/sbin/zeus serial".
Now you can open a terminal and execute **init 3** as root, or **reboot** and follow these steps to init in runlevel 3:
* When GRUB2 appears use arrow keys, select a kernel and press key e (the default kernel is set by default, press key is enough).
* Go to linux line, it look like this:
* linux /vmlinuz-X.X.X root=UUID=XXXXXXXXX root ro quiet
* At end add 3 like this:
* linux /vmlinuz-X.X.X root=UUID=XXXXXXXXX root ro quiet 3
* Press 10
* Enjoy the new start.
Yo can run the script or follow this steps:
rm -rf ./tests/fake_init.d/log/*
cd ./build
ninja clean
ninja test
To build the examples go to examples directory and run:
meson build
cd ./build
ninja clean
Now go to src subdir in build directory -> cd src
Run the examples do you want.