$ git clone this
$ pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
or, if you're in a new py3 virtualenv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ mv config.py.sample config.py
$ edit config.py
$ python3 steelybot.py
is in .gitignore
$ make test
or simply...
$ nosetest
If the tests are failing to import, you probably aren't in the virtualenv.
Throw a doc string in the top of the plugin.
If it's short just make it one line but if its thicc
and has subcommands check
steely/plugins/linden for an example.
- async lastfm plugin stuff
- trigger decorators for plugins, not just main()
- izaakf's secret idea
- why the shit are some names camelCase? that's not pep8
- the fbchat module uses them for some reason
- why the shit isn't the linden plugin working?
:(- :)