The purpose of this repository is to have the completed input scripts for readily accessible via the "Tutorials" folder.
In the event you don't have LAMMPS built and compiled, follow the instructions below.
For Windows users, I recommend getting WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) from the Microsoft Store, particularly obtaining Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as the commands in will be specific for Ubuntu. Alternatively, MacOS works just fine as long as you follow the directions specfic to it. In the event you run Linux natively, the following scripts have only been tested for Ubuntu since that is the syntax I know best.
If desired, you can download a video of someone walking through the installation process for MacOS. The procedure should be fairly similar to the Ubuntu version as well.
Run the following commands in WSL if you use Windows
The easiest way to download the entirety of this repository and compile LAMMPS would be to follow the steps starting at Cloning the Repository which is dependent on you having git installed. You can check if you have git by copying and running:
git --version
in your terminal. If you have it, some output
git version x.xx.x
should appear. If not, follow the procedure listed in Git Installation below
Install git if you don't have it by copying the following code block in your terminal:
sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install git
type in your the password to your computer if requested, type Y if prompted Y/n, and hit enter
Check git was installed by running
git --version
Once you have git, run
git clone
Following this, enter
cd lammps_install
to move to to the downloaded folder from within the terminal
Once in lammps_tutorials, enter
sudo chmod +x
type in your computer's password if prompted, then hit enter/return to make the file executable
Following this command, enter
to run the actual installation. Once it is done, you should see a folder called "mylammps" in the the lammps_install folder. mylammps should contain, among others, folders called "src," "build," and "cmake." In order to run a LAMMPS script, you must copy the path to your build folder and end it with /lmp before entering the " -in file.lammps"
For me, this looks like:
/home/dell/lammps_install/mylammps/build/lmp -in filename.lammps
Alternatively, you can add the build folder to the PATH of your shell by following the syntax I have at the end of my zsh config file.
You can follow the same process for the script to load python3, the package manager, pip, and some packages that might be useful.
Navigate back to the lammps_install folder by typing
cd ../..
sudo chmod +x
The following set of instructions is contingent on you having the MacOS pacakge manager, Homebrew. You can check if you have it by copying and running
brew --version
in the terminal. If nothing comes up, follow the procedure listed in Homebrew Installation below. If you do have the package manager, proceed to the section titled Git Installation.
Install Command Line Tools as a necessary precursor to obtaining Homebrew. This can be done by entering
xcode-select --install
in your terminal, running it, and accepting whatever changes it asks to make. From there, you can run the following command per Homebrew's website to download the software:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Press return/enter to proceed with the installation; press any other key to opt out. Be sure to add Homebrew to PATH by running the two commands it tells you under the bolded text saying "Next Steps:" once Homebrew is done installing.
The easiest way to download the entirety of this repository and compile LAMMPS would be to follow the steps starting at Cloning the Repository which is dependent on you having git installed. You can check if you have git by typing:
git --version
in your terminal. If you have it, some output
git version x.xx.x
If nothing appears, type the following command:
brew install git
Check git was installed by running
git --version
If it shows Git is installed, follow the subsequent steps
Once you have git, run
git clone
Following this, enter
cd lammps_install
to move to to the downloaded folder from within the terminal
Once in lammps_install, enter
sudo chmod +x
type in your password if prompted, then hit enter/return to make the file executable
Following this command, enter
to run the actual installation. Once it is done, you should see a folder called "mylammps" in the the lammps_install folder. mylammps should contain, among others, folders called "src," "build," and "cmake." In order to run a LAMMPS script, you must copy the path to your build folder and end it with /lmp before entering the " -in file.lammps"
For me, this looks like:
/Users/EgorovGroup/lammps_install/mylammps/build/lmp -in filename.lammps
Alternatively, you can add the build folder to the PATH of your shell by following the syntax I have at the end of my zsh config file.
You can follow the same process for the script to load python3, the package manager, pip, and some packages that might be useful.
sudo chmod +x
In terms of completing the tutorials, the scripts present in the lammps_install named "Tutorials" should have all requisite input scripts and file structure mentioned on the GitHub site for the LAMMPS tutorials. The input file for each directory is
except for those in the
directory where the three inputs are named
For me, a sample run of one of these scripts looks like this:
cd lammps_install/Tutorials/lev_0/
~/lammps_install/mylammps/build/lmp -in input1.lammps
Personally, I would recommend using VSCode as your text editor of choice for LAMMPS and Python scripting. It comes with extensions for both that makes writing significantly easier. The LAMMPS extension is by ThFriedrich with ~17,000 downloads and the Python extension was made by Microsoft with ~88,000,000 million downloads. If you're using a Windows based machine while running WSL for Ubuntu, you should get the WSL extension by Microsoft in addition to the LAMMPS and Python ones. I've noticed that for MacOS, getting VSCode after running the script causes VSCode to not recognize the packages that were downloaded. Consequently, I've included a script named
for MacOS and
for Ubuntu if you need to re-install them for whatever reason.
You will follow the same procedure of navigating to the lammps_install folder within your terminal then run
sudo chmod -x
sudo chmod -x
depending on your system then executing them using
From there, you should be set.