Clone oro demo repo:
git clone git@github.com:Elastic-Suite/oro-demo.git connectors/oro cd connectors/oro
Edit .env file and update the value of :
Var | Description | Example value |
Your user id | 1000 |
Your group id | 1000 |
The oro domain you want to use | oro.connector.localhost |
The server name you defined for gally | gally.connector.local |
Install composer dependencies
docker compose run --rm install composer install --no-dev docker compose run --rm install composer config github-oauth.github.com [Your Token] docker compose run --rm install composer require oro/platform-enterprise:5.1.0 oro/crm-enterprise:5.1.0 oro/commerce-enterprise:5.1.0
Add gally plugin
git clone git@github.com:Elastic-Suite/gally-oro-connector.git src/packages/GallyPlugin docker compose run --rm install composer config repositories.gally-connector '{ "type": "path", "url": "./packages/GallyPlugin", "options": { "versions": { "gally/oro-plugin": "2.0.0"}} }' docker compose run --rm install composer require gally/oro-plugin:2.0.0
Start your traefik if it is not already running
Install Oro
docker compose up install docker compose up -d
After this step you should have a running oro instance
- Backend: https://oro.connector.localhost/admin
- Frontend: https://oro.connector.localhost/
Use static analysis tools
bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff packages/GallyPlugin/ bin/phpstan --memory-limit=1G analyse -c packages/GallyPlugin/phpstan.neon bin/phpunit --config phpunit.xml.dist packages/GallyPlugin/ --stop-on-fail
Create/edit js files
docker compose exec php-fpm-app bin/console oro:assets:install --relative-symlink # Only required once on js creation docker compose exec php-fpm-app bin/console oro:assets:build --watch
git clone https://github.com/oroinc/docker-demo.git oro-demo
git checkout 5.1.0
rm -rf .git
git init
git remote add origiin git@github.com:Elastic-Suite/oro-demo.git
docker compose up install
docker compose up -d
docker compose cp php-fpm-app:/var/www/oro/ ./
mv oro src
# Add user id / group id in .env