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Elf514Thefolder edited this page Oct 9, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Minecraft-mod- wiki! Here is the Stuff in this mod Big chunk is a Dangerus biome. It takes a while to take out Deb, You will know what is Dep Later Epic Sword is a OP tool. All you need is a Box of batter !WORKING ON! Thyngis is the things for Popcorn !NEEDED UNDONE THING! Pop is the cooked thing from before Popco is popcorn! (popcorn is a recipe) Wii is a music disc that plays the Wii sports music Dep is an op monster. It does not matter what sword you have. If you kill him you get a pointless sword. You can only kill him with an epic sword. Cheeseburger is a food !WORKING ON DEFENSE! Bedrock is an armor

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