This tool lets you help manage shared payments with your flatmates/roommates.
You neeed to modify some values in
notification_api_keys = { # Populate with key = Flatmate name value = Flatmate alertzy api key
"Eli": "myapikey1111",
"Example_user_1": 'myapikey22222',
"Example_user_2": "myapikey33333"
Alertzy is an app for iOS and Android, this is what lets you get notifications when a transaction is added/paid Each of your flatmates needs to sign up here and provide their API key
db_username = '' # mongodb atlas database username
db_password = '' # password
connection_string = ''
client = MongoClient(connection_string)
db = client['FlatExpenses'] # Either change these or make your database & collection called this
collection = db['transactions']
Add a new mongodb atlas and use the connection string here. Either create a database called 'FlatExpenses' and a collection inside called 'transactions' or modify these values to your current database.
That's it! Now either host locally or online (:
- Allow expenses to be sent to an individual user
Asynchronous backend - currently sending an alert blocks other actions. Why I don't fix this? If I had made this project from scratch I would have, however one of my flatmates started this as a 'chore notifier' and I added the transactions feature. I didn't want to steal any of their code so I only included my parts. Flask & Requests could be replaced with Quart & AioHTTP very easily to avoid blocking. However considering this project is intended for flats, so small userbases I don't think it will be an issue.