checkout the below wikipedia page :
was created in 1970 by the British matematician John Conway.
He divided a grid into cells.
Each cell had a state :
It could be dead or alive.
Black or white.
1 or 0.
In addition to having a state, cells had also 8 neigbors.
If a living cell has 2 or 3 living neighbors, it lives on to the next generation.
If a living cell has less than 2 living neighbors, it dies of underpopulation.
If a living cell has more than 3 living neigbors, it dies of overpopulation.
If a dead cell has exactly 3 living neigbors, it comes back to life.
The project is basically composed of 2 sections:
- Animation of the landing page.
- The Game of life algorithm
1- Circle.js (Class)
2- constant.js
3- eventListener.js
1-Canvas.js (class)
2-Cell.js (class)