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A project to try out two candidate databases' suitability for searching JSON workflow records.

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This project contains two basic rails apps which contain no more than a Workflow model which holds a name and JSON blob. There are two scripts, one to load a JSON record and the other to query it by the ID of one of the nodes. In production that ID would be, I presume, the BSON or integer ID of a Material record within TeSS.


  1. rvm install ruby-2.2-head
  2. rvm use --create ruby-2.2-head@tessdbs

For an admin console this has been installed:

The upmin-admin gem which has been tested previously is not compatible with mongoid.


  1. Install mongodb with default settings (, no security).
  2. Handy mongoid tutorial:
  3. How this rails app was created:
  • gem install bundler
  • gem install rails
  • Add mongoid and bson gems to Gemfile, bundle install.
  • Use mongoid gem from git if rails generator fails: At this point it may be necessary to do a bundle update.
  • rails new mongo -O (blows up if active_record is present).
  • rails g mongoid:config.
  • Create the model: rails g scaffold workflow name:string content
  1. Generate a workflow entr(y|ies) by running: rails runner test_create.rb
  2. Search in workflows by running: rails runner test_search.rb


  1. Install postgres and add a user:
    • create database tess_development;
    • create user tess password 'training';
      • $ createuser -s tess
      • $ psql
      • # \password tess
  • grant all on tess_development to tess;
  • ...should now be able to connect with 'psql -U tess -W -d tess_development'
  1. Handy postgres/rails tutorials:,
  2. Edit config/database.yml to add the user and password defined above.
  3. Create the model: rails g scaffold workflow name:string content:json
  4. Run rake db:migrate
  5. Generate a workflow entr(y|ies) by running: rails runner test_create.rb
  6. Search in workflows by running: rails runner test_search.rb


Devise has been installed in both versions, using all options except for timeoutable, omniauthable, lockable.

Admin has been added as a boolean flag, though roles should be incorporated for users at a later date.

For a welcome page:

rails generate controller Static welcome

...then set the route to the welcome method of the static controller.

Some biosharing users have expressed the desire to be able to type either their username or password into the login box. The following allows this:


A project to try out two candidate databases' suitability for searching JSON workflow records.






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