A sequel to Zeta Players with code that is designed to be more performant, module, and multiplayer friendly. Overall a massive upgrade from Zeta Players in every way.
Currently the project will only be located here on Github and will be seen on the workshop when the addon is considered complete by StarFrost
If you would like to know how to add custom content for Lambda Players, code addons for Lambda Players, or upload any custom content to the workshop, please check out the wiki https://github.com/IcyStarFrost/Lambda-Players/wiki
Lambda Players are a complete rewrite of Zeta Players which are Nextbots designed to mimic Real Players in a regular Sandbox Server setting. (This means they are meant to be in Sandbox and Sandbox only! Do not ask for them to support other gamemodes.)
Much like their Zeta counterparts, their core features are of the following:
Whatever else a player may do
Lambda Players like the Zetas have many options and tools you can use and play with inside their Lambda Player tab
Lambda Players are your players of your Server whether it is singleplayer or not, you have the ability to personalize your Players through custom Profile Pictures, custom names, custom text lines, custom voicelines, ect. So turn them into whatever you wish! To customize your Lambdas, please go here to learn https://github.com/IcyStarFrost/Lambda-Players/wiki/Adding-Custom-Content
- Lambda Players has higher performance then the Zetas
- Lambda Player's way of handling custom content is much better than the Zeta's way
- Lambda Players can work without a Navigation Mesh! However they won't be able to pathfind
- Lambda Players has official support for Multiplayer. This means Clients can not harm the Server's custom content, Lambda's features are not targetted to only the first person (
) in the server, you can make clients download things like Lambda Profile Pictures by using workshop addons so they can see Profile Pictures and such, and lastly to note all the convars and settings are properly labeled whether they are Client-Side or Server-Side. - Lambda Players have a much cleaner, optimized, and documented internal code. Look at the difference between each one's code for finding if they have permission to edit something
Lambda Code
Zeta Code
Yes this is a Find function but the point stays the same
Lambda Players are module which means addons can extend upon Lambda unlike the Zeta's hard coded code
Lambda Players can appear in the default scoreboard
This feature can be turned off by turning this off in Lambda Server Settings
If you are new to Lambda, you will be surprised on the memorable moments you can get just by simply playing with them. Have a watch on the first Zeta Player Montage as it pretty much shows what I am talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz782JGfpzE&t=462s
- Building
- Basic Combat
- Noclipping
- Module Code
- Highly customizable
- Proper Multiplayer support
- Optimized
- Voice Chat
- Text Chat
- Spray Capability
- Backwards Compatibility for ZetaVps
- Fun
The inspiration to create bots that sort of mimic Players comes from 2016 and a Wiremod Expression 2 chip originally named Paper Clip Mingebag Version 2
. Essentially it made Mingebags as a reference to War of the Servers that wander around attacking people, building contraptions, and structures.
Paper Clip Mingebag Version 2 E2 Mingebags
I made a form of bot in StarfallEX which was called Player Mimics
that basically Built structures, walked around, sit around, and speak. Sometimes when I used it in multiplayer, it actually fooled people sometimes that it wasn't a real player surprisingly enough. This was and still is my favorite StarFall Chip I have ever made even if its code is so garbage which it is.
Player Mimics
Later I decided to make my first Glua addon which was the Zetas that had development last for months, get burnt out from them, realize how garbage the code is for Zetas, then later make a rewrite which we have now as Lambda Players. There's some lore for ya